forty seven

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When Louis walked into the hospital, he's not really sure what to do. The only other time he'd been in a hospital, since he was an infant, was almost two years before, when his granddad had been sick. But then, he had come with his mum and hadn't paid much attention to anything other than his grandfather.

So Louis approached the desk quite hesitantly, standing silently until the lady looked up at him. "Can I help you?" Her friendly voice and warm smile made Louis feel a bit less nervous.

"Uhm, I'm looking for my mum-she's uhm... a patient here I think," Louis stuttered, looking intently at the wooden desk.

"What's her name, hun?"

"Jay-uh-Johannah Tomlinson."

The lady clicked on her computer for a moment before speaking, "Alright her room number is 315, just take the elevator over there to the third floor."

Louis nodded and hesitated before speaking again, "Would you be able to tell me more details about what's wrong with her? I've been away at uni so I don't know much."

The lady frowned at him, "Why don't you head up to the third floor and talk to one of the nurses there? They might be able to help you."

So Louis thanked her and headed for the elevator, checking his phone to see that Harry had sent him a smiley face and a heart.

When the elevators opened he approached the nurse's station and gave the women standing there a reserved smile. "Hi, I was wondering if I could get some info on Johannah Tomlinson?"

The lady looked at him over her glasses, "Can I get your name?"

"Oh, um, I'm Louis Tomlinson, her son?" Louis said shyly, the woman was making him nervous.

Except a smile immediately graced her face. "You're Louis?"

He nodded.

"Your mother talks about you all the time!"

And that was something. Louis wasn't sure what he was expecting but it definitely wasn't that.


"Are you here to see her?"

Louis nodded, "I was wondering if I could get more info on what's going on first? I've been off at uni so I'm sorta out of the loop."

The woman smiled softly at him, "I'm actually not allowed to disclose any information without permission from your mother. Maybe it'd be best for you to just hear everything from her anyway?"

Louis thought for a moment before nodding.

"Alright, can I take you to her room?"

Louis nodded again and followed the woman down the hall. They approached the corner room and Louis stood in the doorway as the nurse entered, after a moment, she came back out and beckoned Louis into the room.

When he entered, the first thing he noticed was how pale his mum looked. Louis had always thought that she was the most beautiful woman in the world, and even lying in a hospital bed, pale with greasy hair, he still thought the same way.

Louis couldn't help but notice the way that his mother's eyes lit up at the sight of him, something that gave him slightly more hope.

"Hi mum," He said quietly.

Jay immediately smiled, "Baby."

With just one word, tears were brought to Louis' eyes and he felt like a little boy again.

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