#6- Uncle or Aunt -BSM

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||Niall is 26||
||Theo is 4||
||Nova- your name I got lazy of writing y/n sorry ahah ||
||summary: You and Niall are babysitting Theo while Greg and Denise go out for a bit and you and Niall are fighting to see who's theos favorite ||
Nialls Pov:

Greg and Denise asked me and my sister Nova to watch over Theo today so I got up early around 9 and waited for them to come.

20 minutes later they got here

"hi uncle nialler" Theo said running to hug him

"hey little man how are you" Niall said ruffling his hair

"good where is aunt nova" Theo asked

"Upstairs go wake her up jump on her" Niall said as Theo nodded and ran to Novas room.

"Niall your so mean" Greg said playfully punching his arm

"Well she did eat my nandos last night so this is revenge" Niall said making Denise and Greg laugh

"Well you guys have fun we gotta get going also no sweets before lunch please and thank you" Greg said as they walked off.

Theo's Pov:

I ran to my auntie novas room and saw she was asleep, so I crawled on her bed remembering uncle Niall said to jump on her but I was scared to hurt her so I cuddled next to her and poked her cheek and kissing her nose

She woke up after what felt like hours of me poking her even tho it was only 2 minutes hehe

"Good Morning little guy" she said said hugging me cuddling me

"Hi nova time to get up let's go play" I told her but she only groaned turning over until uncle Niall came in the room and jumped on her she wasn't to happy about it.

"ughh get of me fatty your squishing my legs" y/n said laughing trying to push him off

"Hey uncle Nialler is not fat nova" Theo said putting his hands on his hips

"Yea aunt nova I'm not fat" Niall said hitting Novas head softly

"He's just a very buff and big dude" Theo said laughing

"Now come on let's go play oh can we go swimming please please please with a million cherrys on top" I asked pouting

"How could I say no come on buddy let's get you in your swim suit" Niall said picking Theo up to get him dress

Nova's Pov:

Theo said he wanted to go swimming so I got up brushed my teeth and put my swim suit on

Once I got outside in the yard Niall was putting sunscreen on his nose and all on Theo

"Aunt Nova can you catch me when I jump in" Theo asked me... how could I say no

So I got in and he jumped in and caught him and he started shivering.

"It's so cold" he said putting his face in my neck and laughing

"come on maybe if we start to move around it won't be so bad" I told him and he nodded

"Uncle Nialler get in" Theo said splashing around

"Soon" was all he said so I told Theo

"How about we prank Nialler" I said grinning

"yes yes yes yes" he said kickin his feet

I got out the pool and found water guns I filled them up and gave one to him and kept the other then we snuck behind Niall and started shooting him as he screamed like a little girl

"aahhhhh stop stop enough" he said trying to run away

"we got him aunt nova" Theo told me laughing

" it was aunt novas idea not mine" Theo said laughing

"Hey you big mouth" I said making Theo and I laugh

"alright get over here" Niall said picking up Me up, Theo must have gotten worried because he started whining

Once Niall through me I heard Theo crying before I went underwater

Once I got back up I saw Niall
with Theo in his arms but Theo was hitting his chest and trying to pull his hair

"What happened Theo why are you crying" I said getting out the water walking over to them Theo then made grabby hands for me to take him from Niall once I held him he was holding on for dear life.

"Uncle Niall is mean" he said sniffling

"How is he mean Theo because he threw me in the pool" I question

"Yes, he hurt you and I got scared" he said

"Awe he didn't hurt me look I'm ok he was just playing"I told him wiping his tears with my thumb

" you know I would never hurt Nova she's my little sister I was just joking Theo" Niall said patting his back hugging me

"see look I love her I will never hurt her" he said then kissed me cheek

"yuck" I said wiping his kiss of making Theo laugh

"hey you used to love my kisses when we were younger he said crossing his arms pouting like a child

"Used to Nialler key word" I said kicking his leg softly

I whispered in Nialls ear to let me push him in for revenge and let me and when I did Theo laughed

"Hey so I cant throw her but she can push me how rude" Niall said laughing

"Cuz I'm theos favorite" I said kissing theos cheek

"Hey that's not true, Theo tell her who's your favorite" Niall said getting out drying himself

"Aunt Nova is my favorite" Theo said giggling kissing my cheek

"aw man" Niall said crossing his arms

I put Theo down and he ran to Niall lifting his arms up so Niall could carry him

"Don't worry Uncle Ni Ni your my 2nd favorite and I still love you" he said kissing Nialls cheek hugging him tightly

"I love you to little guy" Niall said playfully throwing Theo in the air
Word Count: 1019
I might get tired of writing y/n so I for the rest of the stories just know I got tired of writing y/n some stories might have y/n and some might have names

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