~35~ Hand

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Dad just stares at the joint for a long minute.

At first, I think he's just gonna brush it off—That the threat of spanking me was just that.

A Threat—Bluff.

The moment he turns around and looks at me; However, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I have finally pushed my dad too far.

He's gonna spank me, and there's nothing I'm going to be able to do about it.

Taylor starts talking again: "I'm not bothering Ellie with this while she's gone—She's been looking forward to this trip for a month, and I'm not gonna ruin it. I also don't wanna bombard her with this the moment she gets home. So, you can see my problem."

Dad nods slowly; His back ramrod straight.

He's trying not to blow up—This ain't gonna end well for me!

"Ellie told me that drugs are a big deal to you, so I wanted to talk to you about this first. Otherwise, I'll leave it be and let Ellie deal with this in a few days."

Dad finally speaks for the first time. "Ellie doesn't need to deal with this—I'm going to...."

"Really?" Taylor asks, completely shocked and looking a little relieved.

Dad nods slowly. "We had a discussion about this a few months back."

He turns to me once he says that.

"Did I, or did I not make my feelings about this subject clear?"

Crap! I didn't know dad had a deeper voice when he's about to kill someone.

"You did, sir."

Big boys don't pee their pants, Liam. Get yourself under control before you have a situation.

Dad's facing me now, with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Where did you get this?"

"The party I went to last week," I say quickly without thinking.

"What party?" Dad asks, raising his eyebrows.

Nooo! Think Liam, think!!!!!!

"The get-together I told you about."

Nice. Way to use your brain, dumbass!

"It was a party?"

How can dad possibly look even more mad?

I silently nod.

"Did you drink?"

I silently nod again.

Dad closes his eyes for a minute.

"Did you smoke pot?" He asks once he opens his eyes again.

I silently nod once more, coming to the realization that I'm NOT gonna have a fun night.

"When were you going to smoke this joint?" He asks, barely holding onto what little composure he has left.

"Duncan and I were gonna smoke it this weekend."

"You drove home under the influence?" Dad asks, jumping back to the party.

"Not really—I quit drinking three hours before I drove home."

"But you did drink, and then drive, in the same night?"

I look down at the ground. "Yes sir," I say, barely above a whisper.

Dad looks at the ground too, and sighs hard.

He then turns to Taylor. "I'm gonna walk the halls for a minute—I'll be right back."

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