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☆ no warnings !


The four stood in Harold's dining room, shards of glass covered the floor, the sizes varying. Harold Jenkins laid on top of the smashed dining table - dead. Multiple knifes and forks were stabbed into him. They all presumed that was the cause of his death, because what else was there?

"It's not exactly what I was expecting." Klaus was the first to speak.

"That's the understatement of the year." Y/n joked, leaning against the wall.

"There's no sign of Vanya." He mentioned.

"Let's get out of here before the cops come." Diego, Y/n, and Klaus went to leave, stepping over the larger pieces of glass.

"In a minute," Five sighed, kneeling down next to the dead body and pulling out the glass eye.

"Come on, what are you..." Diego trailed off his sentence as Five stuck the prosthetic eye where Harold was missing a real eye.

"Same eye color, same pupil size - guys, this is it. The eye I've been carrying around for decades, it's found it's rightful home." Five took the eye out after a moment.

"We got the guy we needed to kill to stop the apocalypse." Diego concluded.

"Yay," Klaus cheered, "Let's go." He tugged on Y/n's sleeve as he turned to leave

"It shouldn't have been this easy." Y/n continued, looking around the house. "Look. This is the note we got from the commission," she pulled it out from her pocket, "The one that says 'protect Harold Jenkins' a.k.a Leonard Peabody."


"But who killed him? Who did this?" She questioned, raising her voice slightly.

"I have a crazy idea, but why don't we find Vanya... and ask her what happened." Klaus suggested sarcastically.

Five grabbed a hold of Y/n and teleported them away to the academy.

"You need start telling me when you're gonna do that." She gripped onto a railing near by.

"Yeah, I will. Start looking around." He told her.

"For what?"

"Vanya. We need to know what happened to Harold."

She nodded and started looking in all the places Vanya might be. Her room or spots Eight would usually find her in when the two were younger. Y/n asked Grace and Pogo if there was any sign of her but they both just shook their heads solemnly and asked if she was okay. She circled back around and saw Diego and Klaus coming up the stairs while Five was leaning against the railing.

"I didn't see Vanya anywhere." Y/n sighed as she approached them. "Mom and Pogo haven't seen her either."

"Same here. I didn't see any of her stuff." Diego added on.

"She's not downstairs either."

"Well, I'm out." Diego said after a moment of silence.

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