Chapter Twelve | Dress

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VIVIENNE PLACED DOWN her book just as a knock sounded on her door, "Come in," she called.

The door swung open, and Chrissy curtsied, although it was much more akin to a slight dip–Vivienne refrained from commenting on it.

"Lady Torrington is requesting your presence in her chamber."

Vivienne nodded, "Please inform her that I will be joining her shortly."

Chrissy dipped her head before exiting the room once more. Vivienne rushed to the looking glass on the table to ensure her appearance was as pristine as it could be. She ran a comb through her hair, taking extra time to ensure there were no knots. There was something about the importance of her appearance in the presence of a lady who had strong ties within society.

Although Lady Torrington had not appeared for dinner last night, her presence was still felt in the house. She could see the servants taking extra care to make sure the house was sparkling, and Vivienne did the same with her appearance.

Once she was satisfied, she walked down the hallway towards the duke's corridor. She did not know which room belonged to James, but she had often heard his footsteps echoing this way late in the night. It was much easier to spot Lady Torrington's room as she had the door wide open.

The dowager's grey eyes seemed much brighter than yesterday, and her skin looked much healthier as well, "Lady Vivienne, do come in."

Vivienne walked into the room. It was vastly different from hers. The walls were covered in a lavender paper that had simple design going through. The bed was massive with dewy white curtains framing the outer edge. As she drank in the room's appearance, Vivienne concluded that this might be her new favourite room in the manor.

Lady Torrington watched her take in all the details not missing a beat she explained, "James allowed me to redecorate the room to something that better suited my tastes."

"You have excellent taste."

The dowager accepted the compliment and turned to a plumper woman with rosy cheeks and jet-black hair. "This is the lady in question."

The woman curtsied to Vivienne, "It is an honour to be able to dress you, my lady."

There was a slight accent to her words and based on her appearance, the dressmaker seemed French.

"Madame Joselyn is one of the most esteemed dressmakers in London. She was kind enough to visit the duke's manor to fit you for new gowns."

"Thank you for travelling so far," Vivienne said, unsure exactly of the distance between London and Chalcott manor.

Madame Joselyn bobbed her head. "When one of the greatest members of London's society request me, it is nothing but an honour to dress them."

Vivienne was surprised at her words so she couldn't help but blurt out her question, "The Duke of Lennox is one of your greatest clients?"

Madame Joselyn shook her head, "Non. Lady Torrington has been visiting my shop on Bond Street for quiet some time." A slyer smile came onto her face, "Although the does not stop certain dukes from purchasing my dresses for their paramours."

"Yes well," Lady Torrington cut in with a slight cough, "If we could get to the dresses, I have a long list of engagements for the rest of the day."

Vivienne was quite amazed. Lady Torrington hadn't even been at Chalcott Manor for a full day, yet the dowager already had engagements to attend, even in the country.

The dressmaker however, turned her gaze onto Vivienne and began sizing her dress up. "That doesn't seem very current no?" She stepped closer and lifted one of the sleeves before running the fabric between her thumbs. "I would guess, it was maybe made almost two decades ago."

The Forgotten DuchessOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara