Chapter Twenty One

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A/N: hello hello hello.

This was supposed to be updated and published by yesterday but I literally fell asleep at like 8 o'clock.



Niall POV...

I picked up the diary.

Should I read it? I don't trust her.


Just give it back tomorrow.




Read it.

I open the diary slowly. The first page in the book says in all cursive letters.

This book belongs to Eleanor Calder. Please return if found.

"Not. Gonna. Happen." I flip to the second page.

It basically just says everything about her: brown eyes, brown hair, light pale skin.

Boring stuff.

I flip a few pages in, scanning the book. I see Louis' name a few times noticing how her crush on him gets deeper and deeper as the book goes on. There's also mentions of how they never talk and aren't friends, and how she has no idea why she likes him so much.

"Let's go to her latest entry." I say quietly to myself and start walking towards the detention room.

My eyes widen in fear as I read some of the words.

I know they're together.

Make him suffer.

Break up.

Louis is mine.

It's all apart of my plan.

Harry can't have him.

I'll let him die.

Everything is going exactly how I want it.

And finally.

Harry Styles will be exposed.



Zayn POV...

After my detention I see Niall running at a high speed with a book in hand.

"ZAYN!! WE HAVE TO GO HARRY'S!" Niall stops in front of me. "Right. Now."

"What-? Babes why?" I say in confusion, looking down at the smaller boy.

"Look." He holds up the book. The cover.

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