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i was excited for this asf!!
hope u like it, i really tried my hardest on some lines :)

As soon as I met her on the ski track the next morning, I said, "Katya, I got a visit yesterday after you dropped me off at the hotel." she frowned, seeming unable to imagine who could've come to see me and also because she didn't understand the reason why I was telling her that, but then I added: "Pearl went there especially for me to reveal some things".

She was carrying my skis and, as soon as I said that, she took a deep breath, put them on the floor and said: "It was taking too long! What did she say?"

I was a little embarrassed to start, but I got my courage and went ahead: "She thinks you're hitting on me or something. But she said that you're only doing this out of revenge for liking her and being dumped by her". She was silent looking at me, and then I added: "I didn't know you guys dated..."

She shook her head, looking a little angry, and then said, "Trixie, I really don't wanna talk about it. At least not now. This is the time of your class, I prefer not to mix work with personal stuff. Tomorrow you're already leaving, so I want to teach you as much as possible, because then, when you come back, I mean, I hope you'll come back, you'll be able to enjoy it from the first day."

I agreed. Then she came a little closer and said looking me in the eyes: "But there's something you've to know at once. I'm teaching you, inviting you to meet my friends and spending more time with you because I want to. Because I like your company. It's not because your parents asked me, let alone because of Pearl. What she said is the biggest lie, okay? Can you trust me?"

She waited for an answer, while I tried to think quickly. Who I preferred to believe in, a girl who'd saved me in the top of the mountain, who was doing everything for me to learn to ski, who'd made my vacation much better; or a girl I didn't even know?

So I just nodded slowly and said: "I can"

She still looked at me and gradually smiled, saying: "Great, because in today's class you'll really have to trust me. Ready to go down your first ramp?"

No, I was not prepared. But it was no use complaining and saying that I wasn't going. After several falls, I managed to reach the end of the slope.

"Very good!", she said smiling. "Did you see how easy it is? Now we're going again, after three times I bet you'll never fall again!"

"I don't wanna go again"

"Yes, you do!", she said holding my shoulders. "I'm sure you're crazy to play in the winter Olympics, we've to practice!"

I laughed, but suddenly I was serious. "Wait, how are we going to get back up there?"

She looked at me as if it were obvious: "By the cable car"

I felt my heart race, despite the cold, I started to sweat.

"Trix, there's no danger, we'll stop right in front of the hotels, we are not going up there"

The problem was not the place, I really didn't want to sit in that damn chair ever again!

"I'm going to take off my skis and go up on foot", I told her, despite knowing that it'd be crazy. The slope was very high, and the snow was totally slippery. It'd take me almost the whole day just to be able to get up there again.

"I'm not going to let you do that," she said, laughing. "Trix, seriously, I swear that nothing will happen to you. If you want, we can take the double chair. Remember when I went down with you that day? I'm gonna be right by your side."

cold souls; trixya auOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora