chapter 37

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Searing pain gripped his entire being, his chest was heaving, his breath coming out in short uneven pants, and a vicious growl escaped his chest he felt like his lungs were on fire,

 he felt the bond break, and he felt his Lycan whine out in pain before he vanished, he heard screams around him but they fell deaf on his ears.

 Dante looked up, his vision blurry, all he saw was a nurse pulling the doctor back to the operation room, Knox trying to get him to stand up while James slipped to the floor unconscious.

His senses were dulled out but the pain in his chest didn't, his head lolled back and rested against the wall, Sophia and Knox tended to him while Gabriel was with James, 

'tell her to come back to me,' he rasped in pain, as Sophia gently cupped his cheek and cried, Knox's shoulders dropped in defeat, his friend just lost his everything, 

'Dante please please get it together please, the babies-,' Sophia sobbed out, trying to get him to zone back in, gently shaking him but his eyes were glazed over, 

they feared they'd lose him too, so lost in the loss Sophia didn't feel Dante shift, his eyes zeroed in on the operation theatre door and his eyes turned onyx, 

a deadly snark escaped him, Knox snapped his head up, just in time to lunge for his alpha and try to hold him down as he struggled and clawed,

'SOPHIA GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE HE'S ABOUT TO SHIFT, GABRIEL GET THE WOLFSBANE- DANTE GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF THINK ABOUT YOUR KIDS,' Knox thundered out, throwing all his weight onto Dante but he was too strong, 

Dante's clothes were starting to rip, he was starting to shift, his attention zeroed on the door where his mate lay on the other side, and just as he was about to fully shift he felt two pricks in his neck, 

startled he looked back to see Gabriel looking down at him sadly, holding two syringes that labeled high dosage wolfsbane, since he was a strong lycan, one dosage wasn't enough, while it was just enough to knock him out, one syringe of this could kill a normal wolf.

Just as he made a move to lunge for Gabriel he felt his eyes droop, his movements slowed, and just like that he was pulled into the darkness.

He felt his heart beating a little faster, soft sparks ignited in him but his body wouldn't let him react, and it was gone as soon as it came, and once again he slipped into unconsciousness with one name on his mind, venus.

'he should be up by now,'

'i know doctor mark even said if we bring him to this room it should wake him up soon,'

'Knox baby the restraints-,'

'shush Sophia i know I hate it more than you do but it's for everyone's safety,'

'being close to them should do the trick,'

'i hope so,'

he could hear voices but he couldn't react, he tried concentrating on his fingers, to move them even a little, and from the pressure, he was applying on himself to move,

 the heartbeat monitor started beeping, it caught the attention of everyone and the doctors and nurses came rushing,

'alpha can you hear me?' doctor mark asked, 

he responded with a twitch of his finger, 

'he's responsive, give me that injection it should fasten this process up,' and the next second he felt something being injected into him and his body relaxed a bit,

her dark lycanNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ