yeah i deleted that mf book haha


Hey I was wondering if requests for the sickfic book are still open, if yes I have a kinda specific one.
          So Harry and Louis are dorm mates at a very strict boarding school and they hate each other and Louis is really stressed because his parents expect him to get good grades and he’s struggling (Harry doesn’t know that). Then he gets sick and starts complaining to Harry and he’s really annoyed bout that but Lou still goes to his classes and all but the next day he’s much worse and doesn’t complain anymore because he’s to weak and just wants to sleep and Harry gets really worried cause Lou never misses class so he kinda cares for Louis until he gets better but still pretends he doesn’t care while doing so. Do you know what I mean?


@LarryIsRealMyLove i'll definitely try to do this


@ LarryIsRealMyLove  wow sounds cool


Hey Guys! I know it's been long since I updated but for family reasons and tons of school work, I won't be able to update nearly as often as I used to so bare with me. It's just for a few weeks so I'll be back to quicker updating in not very long.  


Hey, I have a request for your One Direction Sickfic book!
          Can you do one where the boys are in school? They are 13 years old and are friends, they study together. And Harry has the stomach flu but tries to hide it and goes to school. His condition is worsening through the day and the boys notice that. His fever is sky high and he ends up fainting in class. Louis panics and brings him to the infirmary and he needs to go to the hospital cause of the fever and gets better after some days. (Larry bromance).
          I would love it if you could do it but I understand if you can't.
          I love your books!
          Anyway, thank you so much!
          (And sorry for the bad English, I'm not a native english speaker :/ )


@Mridu_1D_lvr Thank you so much!!


@stylesnoir sure will do, good to know you like my writing 


Hey Guys! I kinda figured that you don't know much about me other than the fact that I'm a directioner and a Larrie so This is request for you to ask me whatever questions you like, and I will select a few to answer as a 'Facts About Me' update in the 'One Direction SickFicks' book. Please leave them as replies to this announcement. 


@Mridu_1D_lvr What is your hogwarts house? I've given you a few more in your inbox :)


@Mridu_1D_lvr Can you give a little introduction to yourself as well, 
            My question - Who is your favourite in One Direction?