
hehehehehehehehe........ sorry I kinda fell off the map and died guys.... BUT I'M BACK.... (hopefully) TO KEEP YOU ENTERTAINED.... (at least I try to..) anyways sorry about the  9 months I dropped off the grid for. Explanation: Life. Plus I just wasn't bothered sorry.. Anyways it's almost the SUMMER HOLIDAYS (THANK THE LORD) so hopefully I will be back to posting regularly. and i think i'll stick to jokes for a while and maybe post a few one shots here and there... SO yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


Post this on ten of your friends wp profiles if you really appreciate them
          ༼ つ ◕‿◕ ༽つ


@DaBestAuthorEver yeah.... not quite sure if anyone is here any more.


@DaBestAuthorEver i think they're dead


hehehehehehehehe........ sorry I kinda fell off the map and died guys.... BUT I'M BACK.... (hopefully) TO KEEP YOU ENTERTAINED.... (at least I try to..) anyways sorry about the  9 months I dropped off the grid for. Explanation: Life. Plus I just wasn't bothered sorry.. Anyways it's almost the SUMMER HOLIDAYS (THANK THE LORD) so hopefully I will be back to posting regularly. and i think i'll stick to jokes for a while and maybe post a few one shots here and there... SO yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


It's okay to recognise your flaws but you should also acknowledge your strengths :)
          When you get this you have to answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly. Then, send this ask to 10 of your favourite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool!!)