
Scrubs- Chapter 3 out now! Xx


No chapter 3 tonight… 
          May or may not of broken up with my bf today so writing went out the window. Love to you all, chapter will be out sometime this week xxx


@itsonlyangelfxtch of course! I'm glad I was able to brighten your day though tbh, i couldn't help but not comment your writing is amazing. I'm loving TK so far!! Yours Sincerely, Cass. <3


@onedirectioner014 thank you so much Lovely. Your comments have been the highlight of my day. Hope you’re enjoying TK! All my love, A <3 xxx


@itsonlyangelfxtch I'm so sorry that sucks. Take care of yourself and take your time! <3


          Dr Harry Styles has always lived a privileged life. He's a paediatric doctor with years of experience under his belt and has saved the lives of countless children. Born into a rich family, his education had always been the finest and he followed his father's footsteps eagerly to become a doctor and make him family proud. 
          Louis Tomlinson grew up in a poverty ridden part of Doncaster. He worked long hours and trained hard to become a paramedic for the NHS, something he had only thought would be a dream until recently. The endless nights of studying whilst looking after his younger siblings; having to attend a public school in a rough part of the town and fighting every day to prove he was worth the job, was not enough to make him give up on his dream of helping people and saving lives.
          It's after a bad day at work that the pair meet. In a seedy pub in a rough part of London, the pair have a one night stand with only one thing on their mind - the need to forget. 
          However, little do they know that their lives are more intertwined than they may think, and now, face the pressure of having a dirty little secret while fighting every day to save the lives of countless people.
          I PRESENT TO YOU- SCRUBS L.S!!!! 
          First chapter will be put up on the 7/3/2023 
          Be prepared… 
          All the love, A. 
          I’m back bîtches. 


Ahhh! So excited <33333


It’s amazing!! I love it


He approached the bar, sitting on one of the black bar stools. He lent his arms on the cool, wooden surface and rested his head in his hands. Harry could see the bartender out of the corner of his eyes and tracked every one of his movements as he approached him.
          "Well, you certainly look like you could use a drink." The bartender declared, hair plastered to his forehead with sweat. "Or five." He added.
          "Thanks," Harry replied gruffly, letting one of his hands flop down so it was picking at the chipped wood of the bar. "I'll have the strongest drink that you've got. Don't hold back." He murmured, keeping his voice low.
          The bartender whistled. "Sounds like you've had a bad day." He replied, eyebrows raised as he started collecting bottles in his hands.
          "I don't think that 'bad day' even remotely covers it." Harry snorted, shaking his head and rubbing his temples as he waited for his drink to be placed down in front of him.
          "There you are." The bartender declared, slamming the drink down slightly by Harry's hand. "Don't ask me what's in it... you really don't want to know."
          Harry smirked, a half smile curving his face upwards. "Sounds perfect."
          He didn't bother to say anything else as he brought the drink to his lips and downed it in one go, barely even grimacing at the burning sensation as the alcohol slid down his throat. The bartender watched with slightly raised eyebrows, looking as if he may say something. That is until another man waved for him and with one more concerned look the bartender turned away, Harry and his 'bad day' completely forgotten. 
          Harry zoned out, barely making it a minute before the bubble of silence that had enloped him was broken.
          "That does not seem like drinking responsibly." Someone declared.
          So…. New fic anyone? <3