Chapter 2

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'You may not be able to control every situation and its outcome, but you can control your attitude and how you deal with it.'
~ Unknown

'Don't be afraid of change. You may end up loosing something good, but you'll probably end up gaining something so much better.'
~ Unknown


For the 8 year old Ajax, his world had always been filled with warmth and happiness.

His father, Maddox Zeneth, was a rising football player ascending to success with a slow and steady pace. With his goofy smile and gentleman personality, he won hearts of many.

Yet, the stars in Maddox's sky was his one and only love and life partner Lilliana and their son, Ajax.

Lilliana was a sweet yet principled woman. She was a homemaker, who loved her family to the moon and back.

Together with each other’s love, they both tried to make their little family as happy as possible.

With such nice parents, little Ajax's life was always filled with sweet and innocent happiness. And a big bundle of joy came knocking into his world the moment he came to knew that he would very soon have a little sister.

Their happiness literally crossed all bounds.

For months, everything was going well. Until that fated day......

The day when the pair of innocent eyes of the eight year old witnessed the world being turned into a war zone. Screams, blood and lava were spreading everywhere on earth. He was so scared witnessing all these scenes that he just wanted to hide in a corner and never come out.

While the world was in the chaos of the walking dead, an army the diabolical king used to make people of all walks of life surrender to his commands, his parents decided to take shelter in the secret and secured basement of their home.

For a whole of 2 months, every move and every breath made by them was calculated and filled with wariness. Nights felt so dangerous to them that his father had to always carry a long gun with him to keep them feel safe.

With twisted guts and scared souls, they tried to remain as normal as they could.

But no matter how much you try to avoid it, disaster always striked on its own decided time.

So then one day, they came.

They; the soldiers appointed by that King, to take all the humans and make them work.

Even he, a mere 8 year old knew that if the soldiers took them away, they would surely be separated and all of their happiness would be gone away in the blink of an eye.

So they were always in caution and did their utmost best to hide away.

Every once in a week, the dead armies would search all the houses to capture humans and enslave them.

They remained safe in their basement for so long but not today.

The soldiers had gotten gust of their whereabouts and were already on the verge of breaking the door of their basement; their only safe place.

Ajax had tears in his eyes as he hugged his pregnant mother, who too was whimpering once in a while. On the other hand, his father was trying to open a sort of rustic metal door on the other side of the wall.

Successfully the metal door creaked opened to reveal a dim staircase which led to the pathway of the nearby forest. His father turned around and looked at them with tear filled eyes.

Queen of his Heart - [Editing] Där berättelser lever. Upptäck nu