Author's Note.

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Hello, greetings and Ramadan Mubarak dear readers.

It's me, one of your blue moon authors who only come once in a while.

Phew. I hope all of you are doing well and awesome.
And even if not, I hope you don't give up the spirit and keep trying to attain your happiness and wishes.

Well, today I've come with a lot of announcements.

Firstly, I'm taking down the 'This book had been plagiarised' status from this book. Well, I could have done this in silence but I thought maybe some among you deserve an explanation.

Well, as you know, the previous year, I had posted here that my book had been copied. I got this news through 2 sources (a wattpad acquaintance and the other strange buyer person).

But now, after a lot of search (in Kindle and everywhere), and asking around, I couldn't find any lead to this situation. Even I personally haven't seen my book on any strange website.

So logically speaking, I want to leave this matter behind me.

That's that.

And truthfully, I still think whether the action on my part was hasty/correct or not. But whatever, this is life. Many new things, many strange things, things we have no idea how to deal with because we have no experience etc etc. Unexpected and strange situation like this plagiarism incident was something I had no idea how to deal with.

I had no idea what to do, where to go, who to complain to, where to find the plagiarist, etc etc, I just had no clue then. [Sigh, I wish I had used chatgpt then. Wait, when was this chatgpt released again? Oh, whatever.]

Really, you wouldn't believe how badly this matter had affected me. Leaving aside the feeling of hurt and anger, the sole thought of someone stealing my work and using it made my blood boil. Sometimes, I even felt like deleting this whole book. Because this whole book incident felt like an insult and a dark spot I desperately wanted to erase to have some peace of mind.

Well, thank Allah I didn't do anything to this book. Phew! I came to love my characters Azazel, Azron and Zane too much. And not to forget, this book (Forget one bad incident) would forever be my first ever (completed and successful) book for life.

So, because no new lead has surfaced, I'm planning on making this book look normal and removing the plagiarized warnings. But, remember, if any new leads ever surface about this book being sold somewhere illegally, I would surely post here.

And because I have my copyright, my mind would be at peace regarding any future happenings.

Now next matter.

Secondly, this is an honest confession, no admission of mistake. See, I told previously that I would make this a paperback, didn't I?

But then I dissappeared for months. Okay, so, first of all. Sorry. Second of all, Chorry???

I actually feel hesitant on publishing this on paperback. Well, the naked truth is : this is very new and strange to me and I feel scared and insecure.
That's why... You know... Chorry again.

I'll think about this issue sometime else. Not now.

Thirdly, this is a good news.

I published a new book!! Tada!!

Isn't this a great news.?

Especially from an author as lazy and unreliable as me? Hehe. Jokes.

Currently, the book is named 'Shades of Love ' [I'm going to change it.]

In summary, it goes like this:

Three brothers from a middle income family fall in love with three sisters of a very rich family respectively.

But, the arrogant head of the rich family (the three sisters' older brother), clearly disagrees with their marriage.

The villain like rich brother had already planned to break up the three couples when suddenly, boom! The villain actually falls in love with the only sister of the middle income family.

[I know it sounds Hella confusing. Trust me, I know. I wrote this, so I know.]

It's indian themed, has a hell of sibling comedy, romance. And it has 11 chapters. Woohooo!!

I hope you'll give it a try.


Shades Of Love.

The Sahni family. A middle class family with easygoing upbringing.

And the Rudranksh family. A rich hierarchical family with complex relations and etiquettes.

Now comes the twisted fact.

A grand, albeit funny coincidence had happened. The 3 sons of Sahni house had fallen in love with the daughters of Rudranksh's, and vice versa.

Between these 3 pair of lovebirds, their union requires overcoming a gigantic obstacle.

That obstacle being getting permission from the lord of the Rudranksh family, Adhiraaj Singh Rudranksh. Elder brother of the Rudranksh sisters and well-known in high society for his strict and noble upbringing and actions.

Will the spawn of devil, infamous for his hierarchical personality, ever permit the ladies of his family to marry 3 normal lads of a middle class family??

The answer is obviously......a big perfect 'No'. Hahaha.

But is life so simple and predictable? Do the rules always remain the same?


And in this complex life equation, when enters our dear Saachi, the only sister of the Sahnis, who somehow captures the eye of the devil, will the rules still remain same??

Or will the Devil alter the rules to such an extent, where the long standing traditions and truth get blurred to the unfathomable.

Well, everything is fair in the game of love and war, isn't it??

But will Saachi accept this new reality?

Welcome to the games of family, love, obsession and sinful desires. Where the morality in each and every person will be tested.

What matters more?

Your lover??
Or your family??

Better be, who will you bet on??

Read to find out.

[I haven't included the cover because I'm going to change it.]

For now, bye.

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