Chapter Three

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I walked down the hallow halls to see Juno, my roommate, rush up to me.

"Guess what!" She exclaimed, grabbing my hand and shaking it about in excitement.

"W-what's up, Juno?" I said awkwardly, not understanding her consent.

"There's a party going down this Friday, and everyone's invited!" Juno started giggling in excitement, while an awkward sweat broke out on my face.

"And you know what the best part of that is?" Juno asked before poking me in the chest, "Even your invited!"

My whole world just shut down. A party? I'd never been to a party before.

"A-a party?" I asked. Juno nodded.

"What's wrong?" Juno asked, her face falling, "Aren't you excited?"

"Well, I've never been to a party before," I said quietly, "For as the stereotype goes, it's predicted I am to get drunk, strip down, skinny dip and wake up with a bunch of strangers surrounding me and throw up on the floor."

Juno blinked.

"Thats not how it goes, silly!" Juno started to laugh, taking my arm in hers as we continued down the hallway, "That stuff only happens to sluts, silly! Like that Haru-Chan who's dating Legosi."

"S-somebody's dating Legosi?" I repeated.

"Yeah, Haru-Chan." Juno repeated, "She's a third year. Not as good looking in my opinion, but the mind of a male is different from mine." Juno sighed, turning to me.
"Poor Legosi," she continued, "Dating a slut for his first girlfriend. She's sure to make him do things, as she does to most men."

I stayed silent, I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"Are there any male sluts in this school?" My skin crawled whenever I said such words. Such offensive words. It made me sick.

"Oh, your interested in being their next?" Juno winked, "I don't blame you."
I blushed, "It's not that. I'm just curious."

"Oh, well, there is one I can think of..." Juno trailed off, sighing, "This boy, Louis, he's technically classified a whore. But nobody calls him that."

So I was right, he is a fuckboy deer...

"But I'd understand how so many sleep with him," Juno blushed, "His gorgeous face, and those eyes. I can barely control myself."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Louis, the talk of the school. Jeez. If word got out that I bashed him, it would spread like wildfire.

"Anyways, I gotta go!" Juno pulled away as a crowd of people spewed into an English class, "Bye!"

I waved back helplessly and pulled out my timetable.

It read:
3rd Period:
10:30-11:00 - Club Activities.
11:05-11:30 - English
11:30 - 11:55- Science
11:55- Lunch.

'But I'm not in any clubs' I thought to myself carelessly.

For the rest of the class session I just wandered around the school until I heard it. The sound of velvety voice which cut through the walls of the auditorium.

"And there, my love," Louis spoke, kneeling by a lamb, the skull mask rested on his forehead, "The spirits are gone. For now."

The lamb gasped. Louis chuckled, placing a hand on her cheek.

"For they are dead, as am I. But we shall run into the moonlight together!" Louis lifted his sword off the ground of the auditorium, slashing it in the air, and his cape bellowed behind him, "I'll protect you. Whatever it takes!"

The small crowd in front clapped and the mongoose from a couple days ago yelled, 'That's a wrap!'

The group of actors that were onstage as dead bodies all stood and started clapping and crowding around Louis, complementing his performance. I noticed at this point I was sitting on the edge of a third row seat. Louis's eyes met mine and he excused himself to come down the steps.

"How are you acting now?" I whisper-shouted, "Hasn't anyone noticed your bandages?"

"Nobody has because I haven't shown them." Louis replied calmly, "Just because you think I'm a fuckboy, doesn't mean I go off stripping in front of people."

Yeah right. You only strip in front of your one-night stands.

"Anyways," Louis continued, "If anybody thought anything of it, I'd just say I fell. I can't say whatever lying shit I want to, people will believe me."

I nodded and stood.

"Hey, if your not in a club, join the drama club," Louis said, standing and walking back to the stage, "We could do with another wolf actor. Especially a sexy one."

Louis winked and walked to the crowd of drama club members
I was star struck. His sentence kept replaying in my head
'Especially a sexy one.'
Was he lying or telling the truth? Anyways, I didn't want to know the truth. I just wanted to keep replaying that sentence in my mind.

I smiled as I left.

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