Chapter Seven

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It's been almost a month since I met Louis.
Nobody knew of our relationship, well, if you could even call it that. I felt almost dastardly, slipping into one room with him, then leaving, mildly disheveled with my heart racing. I felt almost cheap, as well. As though I was being discarded. But honestly, it's better nobody knew of our little rendezvous's, plus, it made it seem more fun. The thrill of almost being caught, the enjoyment of each other's touch, it was perfect.

But all perfect things come to a conclusion one day.

Louis's head rested in my hand gently, his large eyes staring lovingly into my soul. We were pressed up against the wall of the Janitors Closet, and me, being the unlucky one, had my back pressed against the shelves, which was utterly uncomfortable. I giggled as his thumb pulled down my bottom lip, with his tongue soon reaching out to mine. He laughed slightly as a small sponge fell down on my head as it fell from above. Louis gently picked it up and threw it into a small bucket residing next to his foot.
"Ok, maybe this is a bad idea for a hookup spot," Louis said between laughs, "Let's get out of here. We'll find somewhere better don't worry. The school leaves tons of unused places, especially if something violent has occurred."
My smile faded as Louis began to button up his shirt again, for I knew it would be some time during the day before I could see him again. The feel of his fur, the smell of his cologne, it was sickeningly sweet just to think about. I fixed the bow on my uniform, and knelt down to a small shattered mirror I had found on the bottom shelf. I picked at my stray hairs, and I sighed at how it never seemed to stay straight. I brushed down my dress and opened the door with a small click, and I tensed up, as I always did in a time such as this. I slowly walked out, then leaped over to the other wall, my claws scratching at the wall as I slowly lost balance. I could hear Louis snickering behind me, and I turned around to him with a pouty lip.
"Hey! What's the laugh for!" I said, my arms folded as I tried to hide away my smile. Louis smiled and kissed my cheek, his jacket swung over his shoulder.
"I'll see you later, OK?" Louis replied, jogging down the hallway, quickly throwing his jacket over his arms and brushing it down as he ran. He slowly came to a stop in the crossroads of the school, and nodded at the students as he passed them, flashing a mischievous smile to me before he disappeared into the sea of students and teachers. I sighed, for I felt I were to never have a regular relationship with Louis, and that nothing will stay the same, or be how they say they are in the movies. But then again, movies are movies. They are films featuring paid actors who imulate a scene that a director has invisioned, and those scenes don't always tend to be real, and are rather exaggerated. The grip on my leather book bag loosened as I sighed in pity. I pulled out my timetable and noticed I had another free period. Strange, for I never seemed to take many classes at this school. But I did join mid-term, so they are most likely trying to figure out which classes I am to take. I walked past the Auditorium, hoping to see Louis, but instead saw the second years having a meeting with some of the first years in the actors pool. There I saw Juno, chattering away as her cheerful self to everyone. All of the boys were either talking about their own shit or swooning over Juno, which is understandable. Juno is a beautiful girl, but beautiful girls can get taken for granted. I noticed Legosi there as well, his eyes blankly following Juno's words. I giggled and tried to walk past, but some of the second years called out my name. Dom, the peafowl rushed to the door, his colourful neck popping out from behind the wall as he said, "Y/N! Please, come in."
I nodded and respectfully walked into the Auditorium, my hands behind my back. I slowly fluttered down to the crowd and sat next to Juno. I smiled as her hands intertwined with mine.
"Hello, Y/N!" She smiled, "I'm so glad you could make it! We're just deciding team roles at the moment, and seeing which actors will sing, dance or just act. Then we will go on over the play itself and such."
"Adler is our main performance," one of the second years chipped in sourly, "And with Louis gone next year... we'll need to come up with a new actor."
"Same with the love interest," Juno trailed off but soon looked to me and clapped her hands, "Oh! Y/N, you could play the love interest! With a beautiful face such as yours, and a radiant personality-"
"'Radiant' personality? Sorry Juno, could you repeat yourself?"
"You'd be great as the love interest!" Juno smiled.
"Don't pressure her, Juno," Sheila laughed, placing one hand on Juno's shoulder, "She's only been here a few months, she's barely been able to shed her skin and get used to Cherryton yet!"
I laughed awkwardly, not knowing how to respond.
"Oh but please! Please play the role, Y/N!" Juno's bottom lip plumped out in a pouty expression, her eyes shining, "You'd be oh-so perfect for it too!"
I rolled my eyes, "Fine. I'll try acting, but no promises."
The stage lights were bright on my eyes. I used my arm to cover my face, a large shadow casting over my eyebrows and cheeks. I rubbed my hands together in anticipation, and held my script in front of me.
"Oh, Adler!" I cried out dramatically, falling to one side pathetically, "For those evil sins chase you, haunting you, how could you put up with it all!" I paused for dramatic effect, slowly sitting up, my eyelashes battering in an exaggerated manner, "For me? Oh how dastardly is a reason such as that! Adler, you make so many sacrifices. But is this for love, or for the feel of pain? How shall I know!" I looked out into the crowd, my dress wavering in my sudden movements, "And there you are, fighting the crime that comes your way, while I, a mere mortal, only wait for your return! Oh how life differs for those on different paths." I dropped to the ground, picking up a fake rose by the stem dramatically, "When will our paths meet the same fate, my grim reaper. They say 'When death so us part,' but maybe, just maybe, death will bring us together..." the lights had faded into a sharp spotlight, and my body was laid flat on the ground, the rose in my hand slipping from my grasp. I slowly sat up and smiled as a round of applause from the drama club arose. Juno rushed up to me and embraced me right, her smile taking up half of her face.
"Ah, Y/N, that was fonominal!" She said, her voice high-pitched in excitement, "I never knew you were such an actor!"
"Well, I like to write so, I guess I've picked up some of the dramatic themes," I blushed.
"A natural Shakesphere, it appears," Sheila slowly walked over, her tail slowly swaying from side to side and her arms crossed, a friendly smile across her face, "I admire your talents."
I blushed again and smiled. I pulled away from the crowd as I noticed Legosi chatting to his second-year friends. I quickly walked over to them, my arm outstretched for Legosi's.
"Excuse me, guys," I said as politely as I could, "May I speak with Legosi?"
The boys all seemed flustered, as they all started to stammer and blush, eventually getting out of my way. I smiled a sarcastic smile as I waited for them to leave, and a playful expression grossed my face.
"Soooooo, how's your giiiirrrrlllffrrrriiieeennnddddd," I teased, spinning around in a mocking matter. Legosi began to blush, his hand rubbing the back of his head.
"I'm glad you've warmed up to the idea of me being taken by now," Legosi laughed, "Haru is great. You'll like her."
I was quite worried to meet Legosi's girlfriend, as I had heard rumours of her in the school, as though she were the school's old hoe, but as the new first-years came in, her reputation for being so promiscuous had been downgraded. She was a rabbit, so my carnivorous control seemed fine.

Because reader, I feel as though even though this is YOUR point of view, the Y/N character of this story has quite a few details that'll make this story easier to understand. First up, Y/N is Legosi's younger sister by one year. For higher education, Y/N was sent to a boarding school, similar to Cherryton. When she was at school, the family who raised her was a family of rabbits named the Sato's. The Sato's were a caring family who helped her with her anxieties and carnivorous instincts, making her desensitised to most small animals, and mainly rabbits. Y/N has been seeing Louis quite often, and the couple have been getting quite creative with where they -cough- 'go on their dates.' Louis does take Y/N on dates though, dinner dates to be exact. The two try stay as inconspicuous as possible, as being seen with a carnivore would be a downgrade to Louis's reputation, and being seen with a boyfriend so soon would make Y/N seem as a whore. Another detail, is that Y/N has been a virgin her whole life. She's never dated anyone, nor kissed nor slept. She will go and date another character later on in the story, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it😏

"Hey Legosi, I wanted to go by the garden and pick up some flowers, care to join me?" I asked.
"Sure! Haru is in the gardening club, so we should see her when we get there. She always spends her free time there." Legosi smiled.
"You mean when she's not with you?!?" I teased.
"H-hey! Shut up!" He whisper-shouted, "P-plus I'm too much of a scardey cat to even do anything. You know this!"
"Ahh, so you've tried I see?" I cocked my head to one side, a sneaky smile crossing my face.
Legosi began to blush, "Well... yeah."
"You dog!" I said playfully smacking his arm before bounding down the hallway. Legosi and I walked over to the school garden, stopping as we noticed the beautiful abundance of flowers and vegetation. Legosi seemed calmer here. And he was actually happy as well. Legosi went through a hard time with his anxieties, especially since I left when I was only 3. ((Oop, Thats another detail I forgot)) So he's been in a pretty rough spot for a while. It was nice to just see him... smile. I turned and jumped as I saw a small white rabbit knelt over some daises, humming as she watered them.
"Haru?" Legosi called. The white rabbit whipped her head around and started to smile, running up to Legosi and leaping into his arms lovingly.
"Legosi!" She smiled. As the two pulled away, the rabbit smiled and held her hand out to me joyfully, "Hello there! I am Haru, Legosi's girlfriend. You must be his sister?"
"Why yes I am," I smiled, "I'm Y/N."
"lovely name, and it's wonderful to meet you!" Haru smiled, "Legosi was extremely excited that you were coming to Cherryton, the only thing he talked about was you for almost two months!" Haru paused to laugh, "Anyways, I saved some flowers for you. Care to come and look?"
"Of coarse," I smiled. Haru bounded over to a large bush, where a beautiful bouquets of assorted flowers laid on the ground.
"Ahh, here it is!" Haru smiled, handing me a bouquet of blue, pink, red and purple flowers. It was beautiful.
"Haru... this is wonderful!" I smiled, breathing in the flower's beautiful scents.
"I'm so glad you like it!" Haru jumped up onto a small stone step as to be eye-to-eye with me as I knelt, "Legosi said you liked these colours, but wasn't too sure as it's been so many years."
"Well, a lot can happen in 12 years!" Legosi smiled, Haru smiled back, causing me to smile. Gosh, a lot of smiling happened. But it's only because he was happy. And that's wonderful. When my brother is happy, I'm happy.
But my happiness departed me sooner than expected.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2021 ⏰

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