And sing a campfire song

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"Tae it's your turn! Sing a song!" Jimin shouted

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"Tae it's your turn! Sing a song!" Jimin shouted.

Taehyung, feeling a slight buzz from the half cup of alcohol he's consumed, slowly stands up, clapping his hands and rubbing them together.

"Any requests?" he asked. Despite not doing it often, he really did love to sing, and he wasn't shy to do it in from of other people, especially when they were his friends.

"Sing Sweet Night!" Jimin suggested. "You're so good at that one!"

Taehyung smiled at that suggestion. His second favorite artist. "Any objections? No? Okay, play the music." He pointed to Seokjin who was manning the back ground music and picked up a mic.


Holy hell, Jeongguk thought. Hecking heck.

He has to cover his mouth from letting out a noise when Tae's voice sounds from the low speakers. It was angelic, smooth, untrained, but beautiful. Jeongguk could hear the emotions he sang with and his deep soothing tone that fled a wave of calmness over the idol. He could listen to this every day, he thought.

When the song came to an end, JK clapped the loudest of the six, unable to close his mouth properly. "You are so talented...what the f*ck?" he whispered once Tae sat down.

"Ah, thank you," he whispered shyly, ducking his head slightly.

"I'm being for real, Tae, that was really good! You have such a nice voice!"

"Oh, well-,"

"Duet!!" Someone screamed, gaining their attention.

"Huh?" Taehyung asked. "What?"

"Do a duet with JK!" Seokjin elaborated, earning words of agreement from the others.

"Do you want me to feel awful about my abilities ooorrrrr..." Taehyung trailed off looking majorly confused.

"Tae you have a beautiful voice, don't even try to argue," Jimin said.

"But I just sang!" he argued. "And I may be good but he's fantastic!" He turned towards Jeongguk. "You're literally amazing," he told him. "You know that, I know that, we all know that. And I wouldn't be able to compare. You understand, right?"

Did he understand? No. Not at all. Taehyung had an outstanding voice and he actually thought it'd mix very well with his.

"No," he replied. "I don't understand. You should be confident in yourself, Tae. You're voice is amazing..." he trailed off, not sure if he should continue. "I would love to duet with you."

Taehyung pursed his lips, eyes rows drawing in as he contemplated. He's so cute.

"Okay. Fine." Everyone cheered. "What are we gonna sing, partner?"

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