Letter Five

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(Please read letter four before continuing. I promise it'll make more sense.)

Dear Jeongguk,

It's crazy, isn't it? That our lives are so intertwined. I've always thought about meeting you in person one day, and I guess I just got to...I just wasn't aware it was you...

This weekend was probably the best weekend I've had in forever. I met such great people and made such strong connections, and I'll hold these memories with me forever. It was a good weekend.

I know you're probably stunned. 'How did he figure it out?' I guess when you wrote your last letter, you hadn't expected Jin hyung to start dating Yoongi hyung, huh? It makes sense why you talked about Jin. No one knows about your friendship. The same goes for you and Namjoon Hyung. But after everything I've learned the past two weeks, it all came together after reading your letter. I'm sorry I had to find out this way. I'm sure you would've rather told me.

You, Jeongguk, have never given me a reason to doubt your character. You've only ever been nice, supportive. Talked to me at ungodly hours of the night until I was able to fall asleep.

And you, JK, have never been anything but kind toward me. You treated me like any other person, despite knowing I was a fan of you, and you stayed by my side after I hurt my ankle, trusting me with your feelings, and helping me with mine.

You have never given me a reason not to trust you, to suggest you had ill intentions, or that you were ever trying to hurt me. So I won't. I will trust you, I will believe you, and I won't be hurt.

But I would like to talk, if you ever have time. Because I know you have an explanation, and I know you don't want me to hurt. So I'll let you explain, and I won't let myself feel any different until given a reason to.

You have my number, text me sometime.

Your friend,


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