reluctant accomplice

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nina is on her period. she fucking hates getting them because everything in her body just hurts. her boobs, her lower back and abdomen, her head, and just about anything that can hurt hurts during her time of the month. it fucking sucks. plus, she's too lazy to do anything because during the first two days of her period the blood flow is just crazy strong.

and because she's too lazy to do anything she's just lying on her bed scrolling through disney+, looking for something new to watch. she's thinking something marvel, although she has watched just about every marvel movie there is, she doesn't get tired of it. plus, there's just not a lot of superhero films out there. her only options are marvel and dc, and she has watched every dc movie there is too. when are aquaman 2 and shazam! 2 coming out? people are waiting over here!

anyway, she's on her period and everything is hurting so bad so she deserves to lounge around all day and basically do nothing until her cramps stop. why can't men get periods too? why do the women keep being oppressed? like why can't the men be for once!?

she then decides to watch ant-man and the wasp, again, which is such an underrated movie in her opinion. however, it's not movie night until there is something to eat. but she's too lazy to get up so she calls for her bitch she means her boyfriend, harry.

"haaaaarry!" she yells.

harry appears at her door almost immediately, "yeah, babe?"

"i'm on my period and i have cramps and i don't wanna get up and everything hurts and i'm hungry. will you be a doll and fetch me the lay's in the fridge?" she says sweetly, batting her eyelashes.

harry smiles lightly at her adorableness. they've been together for over a year and he knows how bad her cramps get. he wishes he can just take the pain away. he suggested that she go back on birth control but she doesn't want to because it makes her gain weight. then he suggested that she take medicine for it, but she's stubborn as hell and doesn't want to because she says that "it messes with your liver and stuff."

"alright, baby," he smiles and she thanks him, uttering 'love you' as he disappears to go get her food.

when he comes back, he has lay's in hand, a pack of m&m's, water, and a heating pad. he hands her everything and then climbs on her bed and rests beside her.

"thank you, baby. you're so sweet to me. i love you," she clings to him and places kisses on his neck and cheek. then she pecks his lips three times. he's so good to her. she only asked for the lay's but he got her other things she might want and need. out of all her other boyfriends, he's the best one yet. the others don't even compare. she couldn't figure out why love was different with him until she found out that it hadn't been love with anyone else. they've only been dating for over a year, but she's sure he's the one.

"i know, baby. i love you more. now, what are we watching?" he grabs the lay's from her and opens it so he can dig in.

"ant-man and the wasp, because it's underrated and paul rudd is the love of my life," she replies knowingly.

"heeey! you just said you love me!" harry pouts, faking offense.

"kidding, you know you're the only one," she pokes his dimples and they turn their attention to the movie.

though nina knows it doesn't help ease the pain, she places the heating pad on her stomach. few minutes pass and just like always, the pain doesn't subside. she squeezes her legs together and curls into a fetal position. the sudden shift takes harry's attention away from the movie.

"what's wrong? is the heating pad not working?" harry asks, concern evident in his face. nina nods in confirmation.

"what can i do, nina?" he crouches down so he can see her face better.

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