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october 3rd, 2020
10:02 am

october 3rd, 202010:02 am

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"SUNNY. SUNNY. MA. CAN YOU JUST COME OUT SO WE CAN TALK." Brandon let out a groan then looked back and forth down the hallway in Sunday's dorm.

It had been a full day and a half since that awkward ass dinner with Brandon's cousin, Kylah and since then, Sunday had given him nothing but radio silence.

He had decided that enough was enough.

"Come on, ma. You gotta give me something. I'm trying to say that I'm sorry. Can you just come out? I know you can hear me." Brandon waited a few seconds then rapped his knuckles against the door.

"Sunday? Ma?" Brandon's tone was exasperated, "M-."

Brandon stopped talking when the door to Sunday's dorm opened, revealing Maya in pajamas and her blonde hair in two braids.

"She's not here. Go home." Maya rolled her eyes then went to close the door.

Brandon quickly stuck his foot out so that Maya couldn't slam it closed and the action caused the girl to roll her eyes again.

"Can I just check?" Brandon asked.

Maya was a little weird in his opinion and if she wasn't Sunday's roommate he would've already told Sunday the twenty reasons he had for them not to be friends.

Maya pursed her lips but opened the door a bit wider in a gesture for Brandon to come in.

Sure enough, the twin bed on Sunday's side was neatly made, none of the paintbrushes on her desk had paint on them and her calendar was empty.

Sunday had flown the coop.

Brandon let out an annoyed sigh then looked at the girl who was leaning against her bed, "You wouldn't happen to know where she is, do you?"

Maya shook her head, "No. She packed a bag last night and she was out."

Brandon scratched the back of his neck, "Aight. Well, thanks I guess."

"Yeah. Close the door behind you," Maya said as she lifted her covers and slid back into her bed.

Brandon shook his head but did as she requested, stepping into the hallway.

In the back pocket of his Adidas track pants, his cell phone started to ring.

With a deep sigh, Brandon answered the phone, "Sunny?"

"Nah," Terrence's voice filled the other end, "But uh... There's a problem."

"Not right now, bro. I'm not really in the mood for a problem. It's gonna have to wait." Brandon replied as he walked to the elevator and pressed the down arrow button.

"It can't wait. You need to come back to our dorm now." Terrence's tone was urgent.

Brandon rolled his eyes as the elevator doors opened.

He stepped through and pressed the button labeled '1', "What is it?"

But as soon as the elevator doors closed, the call sounded noisy like someone was rattling a bag of change near Brandon's ear.

"What? I can't-. T, I can't hear you." Brandon said as the elevator began to travel down to the first floor.

The sound of the phone call finally being dropped sounded in his ear and when Brandon looked at his phone, the red battery symbol flashed, showing him that the device was dead.

"Can this day get any worse?" Brandon asked himself as the doors opened to the lobby.

An R.A from Sunday's dorm gave him a sharp look, straightening her spine from where she was sitting behind the front desk, "Visiting hours aren't until-."

"Yeah? Sounds real interesting." Brandon interrupted her as he headed out the door and pulled his hood up simultaneously.

The campus was still relatively empty except for a few joggers and runners and Brandon's walk back to his own dorm was quiet.

When he finally arrived to his dorm, Brandon was ready to just lay down and take a nap.

Terrence was pacing on the floor that held both his dorm and Brandon's and once Terrence had caught sight of him, he stopped pacing, "Bro, you need to come and see who's here."

Brandon groaned, "Bro, I don't care right now. I need to sleep so I can-."

"Shut up and come on." Terence barked at Brandon making him blink a little in surprise as his friend took off down the hall.

Brandon tightened his hood but went into his dorm room after a push from Terrence.

"Look, ion know what you think could be so urgent right now but-," Brandon stopped at the sight of a familiar girl standing near the window on the far side of the room.

Brandon took a breath, "Nikki?"

She turned around and gave Brandon a sheepish smile, "Hi, B.J."

"What are you doing here?" Brandon asked as he closed the door behind him.

"Isn't it obvious?" Nikki replied, tucking a piece of dark hair behind her ear.

Brandon raised an eyebrow at her statement and  Nikki continued.

"I came to see you."

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