Chapter 19

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Once Diego said Allison was in danger we all ran to the car. We decided we need to find Luther first and then Allison. Even though she is our top priority right now, Luther needs to come with us. And here we are, an hour later, still looking for Luther. Klaus told us about Luther's little breakdown the other day so we think he is at a bar drinking. Five pulls up to another bar and we all get out. We walk into the bar and look around. I notice Luther sitting at one of the tables.

"Look," I say pointing at the big man. We all walk up to his table.

"Trying a little hair of the dog, are we? Hm?" Klaus asks.

"Leave me alone," Luther says as he takes another sip of his drink.

He is probably close to getting drunk.

"Give us a minute," Diego tells us.

"Okay. Come on. Maybe they'll brood each other to death," Klaus says.

Five, Klaus and I walk to the other side of the bar. I was starting to get really worried about Allison. Maybe I should have gone with her. If something did happen to her I might have been able to prevent it.  Five must-have noticed I was getting nervous about Allison because I was picking at my skin. Five grabs my hand and turns to me.

"You okay," he whispers.

He puts his hand on my cheek and rubs little circles on it with his thumb. He probably didn't want Klaus to hear us.

"No. What if something did happen to Allison? She asked me to come with her but I stayed at the house. If something happened I could have prevented it. I feel like it would be my fault," I say looking down.

Five lifts up my face to where I am looking at him.

"Hey... don't say that. It would not be your fault. You decided to stay with me. If something did happen to her and you went, something could have happened to you too. Do you know how sad I would be if you got hurt?" Five asks. 

I just nod my head. He would be really sad. 

"I'm sure Allison is fine. She is probably with Vanya. Okay?" Five asks.

"Okay," I whisper.

Five smiles. He leans in and gives me a kiss. It was a soft one that gave me butterflies. His lips were soft and I could still taste the coffee he had this morning. Sadly, we were interrupted by someone yelling.

"You should have led with that!"

Five and I lean back from each other and see it was Luther who yelled. He throws his glass down causing it to break.

"Seriously? You had to yell? You interrupted their moment," Klaus tells Luther while pointing to Five and me.

"Whatever. Come on," Luther says.

He gets up and rushes to the door. He tries to open the door but he accidentally breaks it. We all follow behind Luther and get in the car. Luther, Klaus, and Diego sit in the back while I sit in the front with Five. Five starts the car and drives away.

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We have been driving for about 30 minutes now. The cabin Harold's grandma owned was in the middle of nowhere. We haven't seen any gas stations for a few miles now.

"Hey, can you go any faster?" Luther asks Five.

"Ask me again, and I'll burn you with the cigarette lighter," Five says.

"You wouldn't," Luther says.

"Wanna test that theory?" I ask.

Luther doesn't say anything. He just stares at me. I nod my head and reach into my bag. I pull out a lighter and show it to Luther. Luther scoots back and I put it away.

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