Chapter 22

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I should probably put a little warning here. Stuff will get a little...heated in this chapter if you know what I mean. I'm not really going to go into detail tho. Like it will mention a heavy makeout but then it will do a little time skip if that makes sense. You'll understand when you read it.


Five and I turn around as we hear Diego get up. Hazel left a few minutes ago, so hopefully, Diego won't kill us for letting him go.

"Good afternoon," I say.

"Good, you're up. Ready for a drink now?" Five asks as Diego gets up. He immediately stands up and looks around the room for Hazel.

"Where is he?" Diego asks.

"We let him go," I say

"You what?!"

"Now that the apocalypse is over, it's time for the fighting to stop," Five tells him. Diego scoffs and picks up his knives. He was about to leave when Five stops him.

"Hey, he didn't kill Patch. His partner Cha-Cha did."

"So what? They were both there that night," Diego says.

I let out a scoff and roll my eyes.

"This half of the partnership gave me both of their guns. Which will clear you, because the ballistics will match Patch's crime scene," I tell him.

"Hazel came here looking for a way out. He wanted a fresh start. And he happened to have in his possession the one thing that could do our family a little good. So it's time to move on," Five says

"Not a chance!"

"Suit yourself."

Five and I take one last sip of our drinks and get out of our seats. Five puts his arm around my waist and we start to walk upstairs.

"I am curious," Five says as we stop in front of Diego, " Your girlfriend, Patch. What did you like about her?"

"A lot of things. Cute butt. Nice legs. What do you like about Y/N?" Diego asks Five.

"Cute butt, Nice legs, Amazing se-,"

My eyes widen and I slap my hand over Five's mouth before he can finish. I can feel him smirking while I have my hand over his mouth.

"Anything a little more profound than that?" I ask Diego as I remove my hand away from Five's mouth.

"She believed in people. No matter how much shit and filth she saw on the streets. She always saw the good inside."

"Well, I'm sure she'll be proud to know that you're killing Hazel and Cha-Cha as a way to honor her memory," Five says as we walk away.

When we get halfway up the stairs I look at Five.

"You got anything a little more profound than what you said down there?" I ask as we walk into my room.

"I like your cuddles, and you know how to make me smile. You're really beautiful and I like your personality. Oh, I also like when you have an attitude and am bitchy towards people, just not when you have one with me. It's really hot" Five says as he sits on the edge of my bed.

I take off my shoes and socks, walk over to him, and sit on his lap, straddling him.

"That's better," I say with a smile as I move a piece of hair away from his face.

Warning: this is where things get a little heated. If this makes you uncomfortable I advise you to skip!

"But what I said downstairs was true. You do have a cute butt and nice legs. And the sex is always amazing."

The Time Traveler's Wife (Book 1) Five x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now