Chapter 8

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You were kneeling in front of your parents grave and smile

"I missed you both." You say as you talk to your parents about work and everything

But you suddenly stop as memories of that night come back to you

|Flash back|

You run towards your burning house screaming

Sirius, James and Remus all grab you and pull you away so you can't run inside

"Let me go! My parents! They are inside I need to save them!" You scream and then you notice someone and you felt anger burn up inside

Lucius fucking Lucius malfoy

"I'll kill him." You say as Sirius holds you back but he lost his grip and you ran and attacked Lucius

Which he looked up at you shocked

"You killed my parents I'm gonna kill you." You say and James ran over and grabbed your wand out of your hands as Sirius picked you up as you were screaming like you had gone insane

You look at Lucius with so much hatred and anger

"Watch your back because I'm gonna kill you!!!!" You scream as Sirius tried to pull you back down the road but you used all your body weight to lay on the ground

"Y/n, we're leaving your staying with James and Lily ok? But we have to go there could be more." Sirius says as tears roll down your eyes as you just laid there not moving, so Sirius picked you up and walked away carrying you as you just looked at the burning house and Lucius standing there

|Flash back over|

You sigh you were great friends with Sirius he was nice to you and stood up for, in your first year and well every year

He was like an older brother to you

So since you were friends with him you became friends with the rest of the marauders

'I am alone now, my parents are dead, Sirius is locked up, James and Lily are dead, Peter is dead and Remus hasn't talked to me once since he started working here and has been ignoring me, I'm alone in this world.'

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