Chapter 47

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You were sitting in your office bouncing your knee nervously as you tapped your desk with a quill.

You couldn't get what Remus had told you out of your mind, and it's been 2 weeks since it all has happened

And even Lucius has noticed something has been on your mind, but you obviously don't wanna talk about it or well you think you don't wanna talk about it? Well not to Lucius yet your nervous what his answer will be

What if it's yes he will become a death eater again? Then what? You have to leave him and you don't want to break up with him, you love him so much and that will break your heart

And if he says no he may think you just don't trust him, either way it's not something easy to bring up

Suddenly a hand was on your shoulder and you jump

"Jumpy today aren't you love." Lucius says as he kisses your cheek and you smile

"Oh sorry I have been lost in my thoughts today it's nothing." You say and Lucius really wanted to know what's been bothering you for the past 2 weeks

"You okay?" Lucius asks and you nod as you smile at him but he didn't buy it some thing was up with you "Okay if you say so." He says as he kisses your neck and then starts rubbing your shoulders massaging you thinking maybe your just stressed

"Don't worry it's nothing I promise." You say and Lucius nods as he leans down and kisses your cheek

"Umbridge isn't bothering you again is she?" Lucius asks wondering if that's it and you shake your head

"No she hasn't been, thank you for stopping it all she does is glare at me now which I can handle." You say and Lucius nods and kisses the side of your head

'I wish y/n would tell me what's troubling her I can help her so why don't she talking to me?'

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