Prank On Draco

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(This chapter is edited)

Third-person pov:

Weekends don't feel like weekends anymore. Draco is always taking points from other houses for no reason, especially from Gryffindor. Hogwarts become boring for some reason.

Y/n was in her dorm thinking and as much as she thinks she hates Umbridge more and more...

She gets up and started getting dressed so she could stop thinking too much and the dressing was one of the best distractions in her option

At first, she wore different dresses and looked herself in the mirror but in the end chose to were green crop hoodie & sweatpants

At first, she wore different dresses and looked herself in the mirror but in the end chose to were green crop hoodie & sweatpants

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after getting dressed she had nothing to do and she doesn't feel like studying which shocked her to be honest. She wanted to be mischief... That's when it hit her.

Fred and George Weasley! And

Y/n knew they would be in the common room messing around or somewhere in the corner mixing their new potion for their joke shop. Fred and George told y/n they are almost finished and till next year they will succeed with their shop

In the hallways, Harry saw Y/n. He excused his friends and walked towards her

"hey y/n/n morning" Harry smiled at her "morning, Harry" she smiled back "we are twining" Harry pointed out

Y/n looked down at her outfit and then at Harry's. He was wearing a hoodie same green colour as Y/n's, though hers was crop.

"you look... refreshing in green Harry" y/n said "thanks, this is the only green I have" he laughed "that's sad" she made a fake sad face "and you look pretty as usual" y/n blushed

"Harry" she whispered "hmm?" She looked at him in the eye "are we like"

Y/n wanted to know the answer badly. Her and Harry kissed & even exchanged feeling not to mention even kissed in the hallway infront of students. However, he never said anything about it nor did she

"do you want us to?" Harry questioned. Y/n's heart started beating. She slowly nodded "brilliant" Harry smiled brightly

"Y/n do you... do-you-want-to-be-my-girlfriend" he said in one breath

"Thought you will never ask" she was smiled like a mad person and so was Harry. Then he slowly pulled her into a kiss and she kissed back. Butterflies came back and y/n didn't want this moment to be over...

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