Chapter Twenty Seven - Her Hangout

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"Just please let me change the station," I moaned as Amanda rolled her eyes for the hundredth time that night.

"Don't touch it. You're lucky I'm here at all," Amanda teased.

She was kidding of course. I knew she'd be there for me when I needed her to be. Amanda just didn't show her true feelings. But that didn't mean that she didn't feel things intensely.

I crossed my arms across my chest. "What flattering things are you going to say about me tonight?"

Amanda paused for a moment, "Nothing's coming to mind at the moment. Though I do say I look fine in this jacket. Together once again and all is right with the world." She ran a hand down the dark leather affectionately.

"I'm really going to miss her. I named her Susan."

"You can't name my jacket. I already named her. You can't rename her."

"You did not," I laughed. "What was her name?"

"Er," Amanda stuttered, "Leathery."

"Nice," I rolled my eyes at her. She did look fantastic in her leather jacket and jeans. She always looked fantastic but this jacket was magical, I swear. And I gave up that miracle jacket all for Jackson. True love knows no bounds.

"The Red Lion, right?" Amanda questioned with a raised brow as she pulled into the bar. The same bar that Marcus had taken me to. And now here I was with Jackson (and friends). How my life had changed.

"I can't feel my fingers," I muttered as I wiggled my numb fingers, my heart thumping hyperactively.

Amanda nodded, "You might have diabetes." I glared at her as I continued to attempt to move my hands. "What?" She asked defensively, "Anyone would if they ate like you."

I pulled out my phone and texted Connie as I was currently missing the balance she brought to Amanda and I.

Mabel: Miss you tons, Con. Wish you were here!

I frowned at the last three unread messages. Something was up with her.

"Hello? Too harsh?" Amanda waved her hand in front of my face.

I shook my head. "Just nervous."

I hopped out of the car and made my way to Amanda. She looked me up and down "Fiercely loyal and extremely loving."


"That's what I'm going to say about you. That's all anyone needs to know to know you're more than worth it," She avoided eye contact as she complimented me. She hated getting mushy and so this meant all the more to me.

"Aww!" I gushed as I wrapped my arms around her.

"Yeah, yeah. Also a pre-diabetic."

We walked inside the crowded bar, looking around for Jackson. I spotted his blonde head right away as he sat with his constant companion, Max. His dark dreads reached just to his wide shoulders, his dazzling smile blinding me even from where I was as he joked with Jackson.

Two other guys sat at the table who I recognized from the team but didn't know their names.

"What the hell did I get myself into," Amanda muttered as I waved enthusiastically at Jackson, a huge smile stretching across my face.

He smiled at me and stood up, "Hey, gorgeous." Gorgeous. Me. Gorgeous.

I let out an unintentional squeak. Amanda pinched my side with a subtle keep your shit together smile. "Hey, you guy, you." Kill me now. "Ahem. Amanda. This is her," I stuttered. I glanced at his friends to see them looking at me in what looked like awe that one could make such a fool of themselves in such a short span of time. My powers never ceased to amaze.

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