Chapter Thirty Seven - Her Confession

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"Hey, Marcus. That kiss was great. Lovely. Great work," I mumbled to myself, tugging at my pigtails slightly. I'm such an idiot.

"Stellar kissing skills there, champ." I groaned as I paced around outside the elevator on our floor. "You never cease to amaze, Mabel. Your way with words is beyond belief." I mocked myself quietly, because I could come across like an insane person to myself but Marcus still had time to figure that out about me.

I gulped and walked towards Marcus's door knocking and squeezing my eyes shut in anticipation. I couldn't look at his gorgeous face. I could already see his face every time I closed my eyes. His face leaning closer to mine. His lips-

"Mabel?" His deep voice questioned.

I peaked one eye open, "Oh, hey," I stated casually. He just stood there in a white t-shirt and black sweatpants. His hair was so lazily curly, yet so perfectly maintained. How was that possible?

He smiled at me, but it didn't reach his usually bright and mischievous eyes. "Come in?"

He moved to the side and I nodded, walking into his apartment. My heart was beating rapidly. Was it possible to go into cardiac arrest from nerves? I wished I googled it before coming here.

Marcus cleared his throat, "How are you?" He asked with a slight flush to his cheeks, "Coffee?" He blurted, turning around to face his kitchen abruptly. I'd never really seen Marcus uncomfortable and awkward. He was usually so calm and confident. It was actually kind of cute.

"Yep," I squeaked in return. "And you know, same old, same old. You?" I frowned as I noticed my mom's Tupperware sitting untouched on his countertop, almost like he was trying to forget about that evening altogether.

Marco sat in the corner in his dog bed, belly up and completely comatose. He was probably so exhausted from his trip. I wished I was him right now.

"I've been good," He replied, his back was facing me as he reached into his cupboard for a mug and filled it with coffee and two sugars and cream, just like I liked it. I admired the way his broad shoulders moved as he worked. This t-shirt wasn't doing much at disguising his rippling muscular body.

He turned around and avoided eye contact before he passed me my mug. I smiled at the familiar donut mug that I had grown to love, for more reasons than it being shaped like a donut. It reminded me of how well Marcus actually knew the real me.

He sat down on the opposite couch, resting his elbows on his knees and clasping his hands together so tightly that I could see the skin stretch tightly across his knuckles.

I held onto my mug with two hands. "Listen, I wanted to talk about the other day."

He ran his hand through his hair roughly, straightening his posture immediately, his eyes still not meeting mine. Was was up with him? Was he really so upset that we had kissed? Did he really regret it that much?

"Don't, Mabel," He snapped gruffly. "We don't have to talk about anything. You have a guy and it was a mistake. It shouldn't have happened and I'm sorry I let it. Let's go back to how things used to be, alright?"

I felt a twinge of embarrassment rush through me. Of course he didn't feel that way about me. He thought I was an immature girl. But, I also felt incredibly upset at what he was insinuating. Stay quiet from embarrassment or speak my mind out of anger? Who was I kidding? I couldn't keep my mouth shut to save my life. "I would never have kissed you if I was seeing someone else, Marcus. I'm not with Jackson." How dare he imply that I'd cheat on someone no matter how long I was seeing them? I was not a casual person (I think it's clear that I wasn't by any definition of the word).

His gaze snapped to mine for the first time since that night and I noticed how exhausted he looked. His eyes were red-rimmed and he just generally looked sad. "You're not with him?"

I shook my head and placed my mug down on the table. "There wasn't much to break off, honestly. But, we can go back to how things were if that's what you want. I just thought... but never mind, I get it. Let's just not talk about it anymore." I stood up and smoothed my clammy hands down my jeans, but really all I was really thinking about was how repression of Watergate was still undertow and this was way worse than that. I couldn't imagine how long this would take to get over.

Marcus stood up abruptly until he was standing an arm's length away from me, "What do you want?" He whispered. His eyes were trained on mine like he was soaking up every word, every expression that I had to offer.

My heart hammered as I tried my best to be brave. "I wanted you." I admitted honestly. And then my mind registered what I had said. Ah shit.

"You want... me?" Marcus asked incredulously, his face the very expression of confusion.

"Erm I mean, sure? But obviously not now and not like this and is it actually quite hot in your apart-"

My word vomit was cut short when hot lips crashed onto mine and warm arms enveloped around me. My mind didn't have a chance to catch up with my lips and for a moment our lips just moved together without thought or reaction. My arms moved to Marcus's shoulders as his hands stayed on my waist, his arms snug around me like a warm hug. I felt tingles take over every part of me as I relished in the feeling that this felt right.

Marcus moved back slightly after a moment, his chest heaving just as mine was. His gaze flickered to mine and we stood there taking each other in.

"I've wanted to do that for a long time, Maybie," He smiled at me, his thumbs running small circles at my waist.

"Yeah?" I asked.

He dipped his head down to press his lips against mine swiftly. "A long time, baby."


Can you guys believe it took 37 chapters for Marcus and Mabel to work their shit out? Ridiculous.

So so sorry this has taken forever. The last couple weeks have been absolutely insane and I wish I could just sit and write rather than do anything else sometimes.

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