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Season 1 ep 3

Leyla stares at the box infront of her, a destoryed Keurig coffee maker sitting in the box, with a note saying that she deserved it for leaving Alex. She was more upset about the coffee maker then the note inside. "I can't beleive she did that" Jess says, her tone was filled with sympathy for the most part, but Jess sounded almost a little angry. Leyla on the other hand was just shocked, she'd never had a breakup si bad that the ladder felt the need to destroy her faviorite coffee maker or her faviorite Taylor Swift records.

"It's whatever, I'll just buy a new one" Leyla plays it off like it was nothing, but Jess could tell she was hurt. She wished Leyla would actually admit it instead of repressing her emotions.

Leyla, Nick, and Schmidt sit in Jess's room as she tries on dresses, seeing which one looks best. The group was attending a wedding, and coincidentally Caroline would also be there. Now they had to make up a whole story about Nick having a girlfriend.

"It's our first wedding together, so we need nicknames. Nick is 'Nicknack' or 'Mr. Suspenders'. Leyla is-"

"No nicknames, okay, your only job tonight, is to be Nick's girlfriend, okay and make sure he stays out of trouble with Caroline." Schmidt says interupting Jess.

"Why can't you and Winston help?" Jess questions. It was weird how they came to her before talking to Winston.

"We've tried, he doesn't listen to us anymore" Leyla replies as Jess walks out wearing a floral dress "Tah dah!" She says as she shows the dress off.

"No!" Schmidt shouts dismissively.

"That is the ugliest dress I have ever seen, Jess." Nick agrees

"It's pretty bad" Leyla says.

"Yo, let's go, we can't be late, I am in the wedding." Winston says peaking his head through Jess's door.

"You're the usher, relax." Leyla replies

"Yeah I'll be busy, that way I won't have to sit around answering a bunch of stupid questions all day, like, 'Do you have a job', 'Are you still playing basketball?' Does it look like I'm still playing overseas basketball?" Winston says all in one breath

"No" Leyla replies as she tries to hide her laugh. She felt bad for thinking Winston's dramatics were kind of comedic.

"What is the matter with you?" Schmidt questions

"This is the first job I've had in like, two months, dude, and I really just want get in there and ush this wedding in the face!" Winston replies.

"So when we do the chicken dance, I do it a little bit differently. I know that usually it goes..." Jess starts as she starts doing the chicken dance

"No chicken dance!" Nick yells. This was going to be embarrassing enough for him, he could already tell.

"Okay, look, we're not trying to be mean, we just don't want you to be yourself... in any way." Schmidt says it in a kind way. Hoping to take the offense from it.

"Okay, suppress the Jess. Got it."

"Come on guys, don't make her do that" Leyla says knowing that it wasn't fait to ask Jess to change herself, nor was it liley to end well.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2022 ⏰

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