Chappy 1:

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y/n's pov

y/n happely skipps down the halls of jaywhypapi entertainment. she ran into jackson from got7, who asked her if she wanted to go to a party. the female respectfully declined, and asked where to find the ceo, jaywhypee.

after a few minutes of y/n being lost due to jackson's poor instructions, she finally reaches jaywhypoo's office.

"excuse me, are you jaywhypredator?"

at first, the male glares at her. "its jyp. and you are?"

"moi name is y/n, and i have come to audition as a dancer for your company."

immediately, her favoriote song, "never gonna give you up," began to play. she began flossing and dabbing. from next door, jungkook emerged. he hyped y/n up and she looked at him with her cloudy orbs and smiled.

jaywhyprey started screaming at junglebook. "where in the bighit did you come from?"

juankook shrugged and walked back out, raising his arms, praising the female. she did the running man and dropped to the ground, attempting to do the worm, but injuring her finger and screaming.

jaywhyparking screamed for security to come and they tried to drag her away. She blasted rick astleys song and the security ran out crying.

"YOURE DONE YOURE DONE" screamed jaywhypainful. he yels at y/n to leave the conference room.

y/n exits the conference room with a single tear drop falling from her eye. As y/n trudges down the halls of jaywhypent. she nearly trips over gregor samsa scurrying across the floors. He just got a deal to play a roach in one of GOT7's m/vs! This makes y/n sad.

y/n texts her therapist saying:

"Just got rejected by jaywhycena T_T"

Y'n's therapist, who happens to be a donkey, texts back rather quickly:


y/n texts back:

"I'm on my way o∩o"

Shrek's pov

Shrek stumbles out of the coart room super sad >W< he just got divorced by his wifey fionar. Oh noarrr. He divorced her because FIONA ATE HIS GLUTEN FREE BREAD. IT"S SO UNFAIR BECAUSE... She alsoar goart custurd-y of the kids. Shrek is super sad. He doesn't know what to do. He picks up his phone to see a text message that he got fired from his position at Friar's Fat Boy and to make matters worse he was banished from FarFarAway. Oh NOARR!!!!

Shrek decides to become a school meals supervisor at Duloc. He finds a glass of milk in the forest but ends up having to go do a number #3 because he's LACTOSE INTOLLERANT!! OH NOAR!

Rumplestilskin scurries along past SUPERSADSHREK and offers to make a deal. SHrek kicks rumple's two foot one and three quarters self across the swarmp. Shrek decides to go find DONKEHH, his bestie and his therapist. Talk about one sided friendships. #/donkeydeservesbetter.

y/n pov

'im never gonna give you up." y/n quietly muttered. "who lives in a pinepaly under the sea."

donkey looked at the female with concern. "Oi mayte ye gud?" y/n smoothly pushed back her new hair that was covering her whole head. "no. i am more emo than shayne dawson now."

donkey sniffed up his croissant. "Ya need reel theraPy, like jaywhyPy, yknaur."

roight at that moment in time, the door went blasting off its hinges. 

(emo) shrek x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now