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y/n pov

i warlked out of publix with a bunch of items containing milk. "Suurely he loikes milk, right? this cake be looking kina scrumptious, and this bottle of chocolate milk will put a smile to his face."

she covered her eyes with her hair and walked into the hospital. I asked the human sitting at the froont daask where a green walrus looking thign was, and she told me to go to the second floowr.

she walked to where the nurse told her to go and was immediately met with a crying animal.


"y/n? what aure ye doing heure?"

she motioned to the bag of food she brought and donkey nodded. he pointed to the third room on the right and she made her way to it.

the female walkred into the room and shrek glanced at her. "What are you doing here you wart?"

"I-i-i-i-i was j-j-just trying to g-give you thi-this bag of food." y/n was terrified because of the ogre's looming presencse and terrible breath of onions.

shrek ripped open the bag and dumped out the cholocae milk and cake. he immediately hollered and donkey came rushing in,

"Oi maytes, whats going oan?"

shrek screamed and threw the bottle of milk at donkey and he started screaming as well.

y/n triide to leave the room when shrek started to yelp and scream at her. he threw hurtful insults at her face and tears streamed down her cheeks.

Donkey followed her out. "yaur didn't knaur? he's lactose interolaranut."

Shrekyy's pov

I stared at the popcorn ceiling of the hospital room. I was soar sad. I just yelled at y/n! All of a sudden I saw a little critter fly up to my face.

"Barry?" I asked. It was Barry Benson, my bestie bee.

"Shrekky, I heard what happened. I'm so sorry."

"It's okay. I don't feel too awful."

"Are you sure?" he asked, pollinating a "get-well" flower.

"No..." I admitted.

Barry flew back to my face. "What do you mean?"

"I yelled at y/n. I have a strong distaste for her. But she did nothing wrong getting me dairy and gluten based foods. She didn't noar I was intolerant. So you see, she is the bane of my existence and the object of my desires."

"How poetic," Barry said stoically. "You should tell her how you feel."

"Tell me what?" y/n was at the door. I jumped off of my hospital bed and did a pirouette. I was a competitive ballerina for 9 years.

"y/n," i began. I took her cold hands. "I will spend the rest of my life having a dairy and gluten intolerance. But what would make life more intolerant is a life without you." I get down on one knee. "y/n," i say. "Will you be mine?"

A tear falls from her eye. "Yes!" she says.

Then the door breaks down.

(emo) shrek x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now