01 Laleh

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When I loved you, I loved the city that you lived in. I loved the spelling of your name, your voice, your laughter and everything related to you. When I loved you, I loved the city that you live in. I loved you and everything about you.

Samir Giad


He races his horse with Taha at the borders of the lake and the sound of waterfall grows louder with every beat of the hooves against the desert rocks. He steers his horse away from the lakeside and glances behind him to find Taha hot on his heels. He's sure if he blinks, his general might overpass him.


He nudges his horse and tightens his grip on the spear in his hand. The waterfall becomes visible in the distance. The hot winds tugs at the hair tied at his nape and a few strands poke his eyes. He jerks his head.

Taha begins to catch up with him. He can see him from his peripheral view. But with one final tug of the reins, his horse gallops toward the finishing line and he buries his spear in the ground. The horses come to a stop and he turns towards his general who smiles at him.

"I once took pride in being your best horseman. Am I growing old or are you growing younger, my Ameer?"

"Maybe I'm growing older, general." He laughs.

" He laughs

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The sword swishes past her left and right and above her head with her dodging it by bare inches. She swirls and ducks and turns to counterattack but he doesn't give her a chance. Her breath leaves her in pants and exhaustion weighs on her bones but she cannot give up against him. An nth loss to her list, she needs to defeat him this time.

He swings his blade and she twirls out of range to roll behind him. She leaps at the opening but he's swift to catch her wrist that flies a dagger towards him. Briskly he rids of her dagger with the flick of his own wrist. He jerks her to himself and she grasps tightly the sword held in her free hand. But he's deft to deal with her before her blade can find him in offense.

As the last clang of the metal meets her ears upon their swords colliding, she looses grip on her weapon and he strikes it out of her hand. Any attempt to lunge for it fails when he darts towards her and grabs her arm, pulling her so her back crashes into his chest. He raises his sword across her length, the sharp edge of it coming to rest against her jaw.

"Surrender," he demands in a whisper.

She inhales sharply and stills, the moment suspending in time, as she focuses on finding an escape towards her victory. He presses the metal to her cheek and hums, his voice laced with both delight and playfulness when he speaks.

"The outcomes of our duels are becoming too predictable."

"You don't seem to enjoy it."

"It lacks thrill."

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