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For your eyes' ransom, all the heart has found and yet will find I shall give.

Al Mutanabbi


"A messenger has brought you news, my Ameer," someone informs him.

He's training his men at the barracks and has a long lists of things to do afterwards. So he motions for the man that he cannot see anyone at the moment.

"Send the messenger to Zahir. He'll forward his message to me."

The man tips his head and leaves. But it's not long that he appears before him again.

"My Ameer, the messenger insists on seeing you. He says the message is private and he will deliver it only to you."

"Bring him to me then."

A while later a man in a plain tunic and a worn out cloak is presented to him. He has his hands tied in front of him and his eyes down respectfully. Adam steps aside from the company of others to hear out this man in privacy.

"Tell me, what is the message that you must only deliver to me and no one else?"

"I've come from Anbar, sayidi. I've brought you an important letter, and a ring which you might recognize."

"Is it so?"

The man pulls out a scroll and a ring and holds them out to him. But the moment his eyes fall on the ring, the ground is no more beneath his feet. He feels as if the world has collapsed. He feels as if the sky is no more. He cannot blink-- cannot stop staring. He cannot reach out to take it from him for his hands are suddenly trembling. He doesn't know if it's reality or a delusion. Or maybe another deceiving dream.

"I've brought you news of Halah bint Al Malik, sayidi."


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Some days in life are a stroke upon stroke of a beautiful painting until the painting is stripped and never completed. And who is to know besides the artist what magnificence it could've held had it not been ruined. One can only wish not to have stumbled upon it.

It's an ordinary day. She's done training with Azar and he's collecting their things. They've finished earlier today than usual. Lately she has been lacking both energy and will and she blames it upon her disturbed schedule, with Adam returning late each night and her worries for him growing each day.

Roya stands with her, unusually quiet today, and Noura makes a note to address it once they're at their chamber. She has been distant and lost and something tells her there's a reason behind her handmaiden's state.

Azar brings their things and they makes their way towards the palace. The sun is gliding down and it's light is dwindling but still bright. The sky is cloudless today and if it remains so, the night might be full of stars. She wonders if she can eat on the balcony tonight with her husband. It'll be a beautiful sight.

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