Chapter 10

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"Um, Ellie?" Ashley asked, stopping a short distance from a decrepit-looking gas station.

There was one pump in front of a worn-down shack-like building. The once-white paint was faded and peeling. Weeds grew through the cracked pavement and a broken down-looking car was up on blocks on the side of the building.A man sat out front sipping on something with a small dog next to him.

"Does he have a dog?"

"Yeah," Ashley muttered.

"Isn't that weird? A wolf owning a dog?"

She shrugged her shoulders. "Nothing about this place seems normal yet."

"Let's just go into town. Maybe we can find their Alpha or Beta. I mean, they have those, right?"

Ashley shrugged her shoulders again. "Who knows? This place creeps me out. It's so...I don't know."

We proceeded slowly through the one-road dusty town. It was vastly different than our metropolis at Moon Mist, which wasn't big when you compared it to the Royal city of Winter Lake or Silver Peak.

Small ramshackle cottages dotted the roadway, leading to a roundabout that continued out of town. There was a town hall, what looked like an emergency station with a police/ambulance/firetruck combination out front. People lazily walked along the sidewalks, staring open-mouthed at us.

"I don't think they get many visitors," Ashley said.

"I don't think so either." I pointed toward the town hall. "I think that's probably our best option of finding anyone."

She nodded and pulled along the curb. "You think it's fine to park here?"

"Does it matter? I don't think we have to worry about anyone hitting the car."

'Where are you?'

"Harmony's texting," I grumbled.

"Oh?" Ashley asked.


"What did she say?"

"She asked where I am."

"What are you going to tell her?"

I exited the message and stuck my phone in my pocket. "Absolutely nothing."

Ashley laughed while taking off her seatbelt.

We climbed out of her convertible and climbed the few steps to the doors. Inside smelled musty and dusty. There was a small desk in a corner with a young girl sitting there flipping through a magazine.

"Excuse me?" I said.

She glanced up, looking me and Ashley up and down, "Yeah?"

"Is your Alpha here by chance?"

"Yes. Who are you?"

"I'm Elanor. Moon Mist's Beta Kenrick's daughter and this is Ashley Gamma Arthur's daughter."

"Moon Mist? Aren't y'all far from home?" the girl asked.

"Yes. We're on our way to Winter Lake and decided to visit the other packs."

"Uh huh."

"Is your Alpha busy?"

"Let me check."

"Okay. I appreciate that."

She rolled her eyes and got up from her desk. We watched her walk to the first door in the hallway and pop her head in.

"Alpha Brutus, there are some girls here."

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