Chapter 18

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Winter Lake was a magnificent city. It was easily three times the size of Moon Mist and far surpassed Silver Peak in beauty and charm. Beautiful, old shops and businesses lined the main street. Lights were strung up on trellises in front of the shops. And side streets dotted with beautiful stone homes.

All of the buildings in the wolf territory were kept on the smaller side, unlike the human world. It was one of the small ways we were able to keep ourselves hidden. Extra protection in case our barrier didn't work. Obviously, it wasn't working if a dead human was found and these creatures were able to get in.

As we drove down the old cobblestone main street, I sat up and inhaled deeply.

"What is that?"

"What?" Ashley asked.

"That smell. What is that smell?"

She took a deep breath. "Oh, that does smell good. Fresh bread?"

I shook my head. "No. Not the bread. The other smell. It's...I don't know. Spicy. Woodsy. It's intoxicating."

"Uh, no? I don't smell anything," she said, sticking her head out the window and sniffing.

"How do you not smell that? Stop the car. I need to find that smell!"

"Um, okay." She pulled the car to the side of the road and put it in park.

I climbed out and followed the scent down the road. A large crowd was in front of a bookstore not far from where we were.

"What's going on there?" Ashley asked.

"I don't know. But that's where the smell is coming from."

"You're never going to be able to get in there."

"I have to try. They must all be trying to buy whatever is making that smell. Maybe it's a Winter Lake cologne or something?"

"Then why can't I smell it?"

I shrugged my shoulders and joined the mass of people. Men, women, and children pushed one another trying to get inside and there was no moving any of them.

"Damn. Okay. Let's find King Orsand and Beta Marsha. Dad should have called their offices to let them know we were coming."

"Hey, we can come back later. I'm sure you'll be able to find the smell then."

I nodded but wasn't so sure. My wolf whined in my head. She wanted in that store desperately. We walked in the opposite direction looking for the police station or anything that would signify a king's office.

"If you were a king, where would you be?" Ashley questioned.

"A castle?"

"Yeah. I probably would be too. Have you ever seen the Winter Lake castle?"

I shook my head. "I've never been here before. I have seen pictures, I've never seen the actual castle in real life though."

"Me either."

"Let's ask and find out."

"Sounds good."

We went into a bakery near the car and meandered around. We picked up a box and put random pastries and bread into it.

"Oh, grab this." Ashley put a chocolate-covered donut in the box. "And this!"

"Hi! Welcome to Rose's Bakery! Did you find everything to your satisfaction?" an older woman with white hair and tiny glasses asked while wiping her hand on a floral apron.

"Yeah. This place is great," Ashley gushed.

"I'm glad you enjoy it! Everything tastes really good too!"

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