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VICTORIA WAS RIDICULOUSLY TIRED. She had spent the whole night writing up a report for work, and she meant ALL night. "Woah, you don't look so hot." Nick waved a hand in front of her face.

"If you say one more word to me before I've had my coffee, I will split you like a banana." Vic threatened.

"So, long night?"

Vic turned to him. "What did I say? What did I just say?" She slowly started walking toward him.

He gulped. "You said to, uh, not to, um, Vic? What are you- NO!" Vic charged and Nick ran for his life. "VIC STOP!" She jumped on his back. "Get off!"

Nick ran directly into Schmidt's room, Victoria still on his back. The pair stopped fighting when they saw Schmidt, lying on his side on his bed. Vic jumped off Nick's back. "Hey, what's going on here?" Nick asked Jess, who was also in the room.

"Um, Schmidt wants to know where in his room he looks the sexiest." Jess answered.

"Well, it's a pretty big room. What are your choices?" Vic crossed her arms.

"Okay, I'm glad you asked. Alright," He waved his hand across the bed. "here?" He ran over and sat in his armchair. "Here?" He moved to the arm of the chair. "Or here? You know, maybe just reading a book or something."

"What about against the window sill?" Vic added.

"I like the way you think, Allard." He rushed to lean against the window.

"It's a lot of options." Nick pretended to think. "Could you do them again really fast?"

"You wanna see them again?"


"Okay. Here?" Bed. "Here?" Chair. "Here?" Arm of chair.

"Don't forget the window!" Vic snapped in that direction.

"Oh, yes. Or here?"

Jess smiled. "Wait, what was the first one again?"

Nick smirked. "Yeah."

"Yes, what was it?" Vic 'pondered'.

"Okay. I get it. All laugh at Schmidt, great." Then being the idiot he was, Schmidt showed them the options again. "Here? Here?"


VICTORIA WAS SITTING IN FRONT OF JESS, who was making breakfast in the kitchen. Nick came in and grabbed some coffee. "I'm so excited to meet him." Jess was talking about their new (technically old) roommate, Winston Bishop. Winston, Nick and Victoria had grown up together in Chicago. When Nick had moved into the loft with Schmidt, Winston tagged along. And soon after, Vic had been invited to live there as well. Coach had to leave so Winston had gotten there last night.

"No, Jess, he's sleeping. He flew in late last night, we took him straight to the bar, took a bunch of shots, got drunk, screamed I love America. Now he's happily passed out. Let's let him sleep." Nick took a sip of coffee.

"Guess I'm not the new kid anymore, I'm just one of the guys."

"No, you are still the new kid. Winston lived here before Coach did." Vic told her.

Jess pouted. "So Coach said that they used to play basketball together at college, but then Winston went pro..."

Schmidt, who was passing by, chimed in, "In Latvia, okay? He went pro in Latvia, there's a big difference." Vic, Nick and Jess looked towards him and he faltered. "Well the team logo is just a fig. Just a... just a one single fig."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2023 ⏰

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