Chapter 23: The One With The Ring

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  • इन्हें समर्पित: StardustL

Shehzer's POV:

Mom had been nudging me gently regarding Mina. Ever since I had confessed my feelings, it seemed that she had already planned the names of my children, and probably even their weddings. I told her that it might take some time.

But then the cursed guitar party happened.

I am now a huge believer of Motherly intuition. As soon as I came back, she just knew. She knew something was wrong. I saw the hopeful light in her die when she saw my face.

"Oh, my son." She choked, before hugging me like I was still 8. It didn't ease the hurt, but I felt oddly lighter.

"We'll find you another girl my baby. You'll see. She'll be every bit as beautiful as Mina. See if she isn't" I was mildly alarmed by the Napoleon-istic glint of determination in her eyes.

"No mom. I don't even want to think of marriage right now. I need some time....I need some perspective. Please. No more rishta-hunting." I softly pleaded as she stroked my hair.

"We'll see..." she said noncommittally.


"Shehzer. Sweetie. Do you know that the Amins invited us to Mina's engagement party?" Mom asked me over breakfast. She said the words slowly, like she was talking to a potential suicide candidate.

I bit into my buttered toast that Shazia Khala had put in front of me.

"Yes. I was personally invited by her brother." I say tonelessly.

"You're not actually planning on going are you?" She asks disbelievingly.

"I am."

"But..but...honey. She broke your heart! the stupid girl! she doesn't know a good man when she sees one. Why hurt yourself more?"

"Please don't insult her. She can make her own choices. And I suspect that I was already too late when I told her about my feelings.She is still an old friend; that will never change. So I have to go, and support her."

Mom lets out a disbelieving huff.

"Umm... Mom. I still have four months left of my internship. But I don't think I want to do it here anymore. You're gonna leave for home with Rania soon, and I just...I just can't be ...this close to ...her." I manage to explain.

"Okay. So what do you have in mind?"

"I applied for a transfer to a sister hospital of my current one, in Lahore city. They are offering me full accommodations for it. Besides we have a lot of family there, and I guess I could keep busy that way...."

She ponders over this for long minutes.

"I have never stopped you from doing whatever you have to. You're such a smart boy. You've never given me reason to doubt your judgement. In fact the only time you truly lost your head, has been over this...Girl."

She smiles ruefully at me. "So, I trust you....Do whatever you have to do, to get over...this phase. I love you. I'll always be on your team. Don't you ever forget that."

"I won't."


Mina's POV:

I feel like I have been plunged into a reality TV episode. Everyone's going absolutely crazy over nothing. I don't understand the point of me waking up early just because I'm getting engaged today.

"OMG the BRIDE-TO-BE is still sleeping at Noon??? THE HORROR!"

I would totally feel guilty over my laziness, but I'm just. Too. Damn. Sleepy.

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