Chapter 27: The One With The Phone Call

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"I can resist everything, except temptation."- Oscar Wilde

Shehzer's POV:

I miss Karachi.

I'm telling myself it's because I haven't seen Rania in more than a month. Which is perfectly true. But deep, deep inside, it's because of her. It feels weird to be in the same country, but not be around her. I miss her eyes, and her voice, and her laugh.

Missing someone's laugh is beyond pathetic, but Mina's laugh is one of a kind. She has laughter fits where she is just howling silently, tears running down her face, head thrown back.

Mom and Rania are leaving for Maryland in a few of days, and I'm thinking of visiting Karachi for the weekend. Lahore has been pretty cool so far, the weather is horrendously hot, but I loved meeting cousins after ages. The architecture, and food of the city keeps me pretty busy in touristy activities. In a way it's a good thing; it keeps me from missing people too much.

Mom told me yesterday that Ali got engaged to Mina's friend Adiba. I shooted a congratulatory text to him. He told me about the impending double wedding. In fact he pestered me about the wedding. Apparently, I now have an invitation to Mina's wedding too.

When I saw the e-card Ali sent me, of the wedding+Valima reception; I felt like breaking my phone. It took an hour of intense work-out in the hostel gym to get my emotions back to normal. There's no way I'm traveling to Karachi again just for the opportunity to see the girl of my dreams marry another guy.

I'd rather gouge my nails out with a dull knife.

Seeing them together on her engagement reception was an ache I still feel. It was torture to see them laughing and talking, both made a handsome couple. For Mina's sake, I hope they have a happy life together.


Mina's POV:

Less than a month before the wedding remains. I am both excited and terrified at the same time. Areeb has been traveling a lot for his job, so I haven't seen or heard from him recently. Maybe he is just making up excuses for his extreme sports addiction.

He texted last week to let me know that he is sky-diving in Spain somewhere. For the life of me, I don't know what pleasure anyone can derive from throwing themselves in mid air, thousands of feet above ground!

He hasn't spoken to me about his "Dilemma" again. But he feels changed. I don't know why it makes me so uneasy. His recklessness has increased, and I think it has to do with his misguided religious thoughts.

I really want him to tell me about his problems. We will be sharing more than a house soon. We'll be sharing our lives together; and I need to know we can unburden ourselves with our problems. But I am almost scared to push him on this subject. What if he leaves me? What if he thinks I'm too meddling, and curious, and he wants nothing to do with me?

Wedding preparations are in full swing. Mom and I have been shopping like crazy! we had to buy, what seems like a gazillion clothes for me and Adiba. In our culture, the new bride is supposed to take with her an entirely new wardrobe after marriage.

We have to have Areeb's Wedding and Valima attire ordered as well. Just like in the engagement; the bride and groom's family will exchange clothes, gifts, jewelry etc. a few days before the wedding.

Areeb's mom took me shopping one day, and asked for color, design advice regarding the Nikah dress. I was so flustered and awkward that I ended up choosing a salmon colored, red accented Gharara for the nikah.

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