Chapter 22: Headline Again

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In the evening, the residual heat gradually dissipated. The warm color of the setting sun cast an orange shade across the small farmyard.

Tang Qiaoqiao suggested that they simply put a low table in the yard. With two fans blowing on the floor on both sides, they can eat delicious food and enjoy the beautiful sunset.

The goose in the clay pot was placed on a small gas stove stand and continue to boil. There is also some cut white radish on the side, a large pot of boiled fish which is spicy and fragrant, plus the stir-fried rice eel and leftover Chinese cabbage cooked in hot and sour sauce.

Although there are only four dishes, the portion is very generous. Half of the yard is full of rich aromas.

The drink is home-brewed rice wine from the farmer who owned the house. The wine was refrigerated, so it is cool and sweet.

"It's enough. I'm so hungry."

Hu Miao was the first to put his chopsticks at the goose. The goose meat has been boiled for nearly two hours, and a bright layer of grease has already condensed on the surface. But after the first bite, there is no greasy feeling. It is delicious and has a tenacious texture. Hu Miao chewed carefully. The more he chewed, the more fragrant it became. The aftertaste is endless and cannot be described with words.

"Woo, everyone, try it quickly. It's so delicious." Hu Miao's mouth was filled with goose meat, and unable to say proper words. He was bubbling happily all over his body.

Mao Li really likes this dish. She can't stop taking one bite after another. The umami flavor and sauce of the goose itself are all locked inside the meat. Even the soup is full of umami flavor. When the soup is mixed with rice, each grain of rice is wrapped in deliciousness. Very satisfying after one bite!

The radish was cut into transparent thin slices and was boiled for a while. The fragrance of the radish neutralized the heaviness of the goose meat, and it tasted particularly refreshing.

Wei Yiqi is simply a rainbow fart maker. He compliments Tang Qiaoqiao with every bite.

He really couldn't help boasting that the boiled fish was numbing and spicy enough, but the flavor of the fish fillet itself was not covered up. It was tender and slippery, but it melted quickly when slightly squeezed on the tip of the tongue.

The wild rice field eel is very firm, without a hint of earthy smell. The texture is tender and slightly elastic. Tang Qiaoqiao did not de-bone the eels, but the bones of the rice field eel were very thin and soft. When the fine bones were chewed, it had a special flavor.

When people are tired of eating meat, they put their chopsticks on the hot and sour cabbage. It is refreshing and relieving greasiness. Then drink a sip of the ice-cold sweet rice wine. What else do you want to have in your life?

Zhou Meng's expression was tangled. Eating Tang Qiaoqiao's food made her feel like she betrayed her friend, Tang Rou. But it is impossible for her not to eat. Once they had tasted this wonderful taste, no one can stop their chopsticks.

But when she turned her head and looked at Shen Liang, who was immersed in eating, the burden in her heart flew away. Tang Rou's boyfriend didn't care, so why would she mind?

Shen Liang had completely forgotten that he had vowed in his heart that he would never eat the dishes made by Tang Qiaoqiao. Otherwise, he would be embarrassed.

Luckily, no one knows what kind of oath that he swore in his heart!

Today, he was tortured so much to find food. He also suffered a "work-related injury." His calf, which the goose pecked, was faintly green. So what if he eats a piece of the goose?

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