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"I demand to see my mother!" A painfully loud voice screeched out. It bounced off the damp stone walls echoing louder than it actually was.

The two guards on duty looked annoyed and grumbled. She had been at it since they placed her in the cell.

"Do you know who I am?!" She screeched out again only to be met with silence from the irritated guards.

Couldn't she just go to sleep or something?

Sibyl had been locked up in the cell for over a day and not once had she ceased her complaints. It was a wonder to all how she could scream so much for hours on end.

"I know your faces and when I am out, I will make sure you never want to step foot in this kingdom again!" She threatened.

"Oh for goodness sake, shut up!" The one guard had had enough and broke his silence.

Sibyl immediately shrunk back like she had been stung. No one had ever dared to speak to her like that in her entire life and especially someone of lower class like this guard.

"What never been told off before?" The guard taunted laughing at her reaction.

Sibyl's eyes were widened in shock. She looked like a startled deer.

"Clearly you haven't. What a spoilt young miss..." He muttered shaking his head disapprovingly and turning back around to continue ignoring her.

"How dare you!" Sibyl finally shook out of it after taking great offence to the guard's words, "I shall have you publicly hanged for such words!"

The guard started laughing. He could not take it anymore. The stoic guard next to him momentarily broke character and softly chuckled as well.

Sibyl was fuming at their reaction. How dare they not cower and beg at her feet for forgiveness?

"I think you have missed one vital point," The guard began between laughs, "You are the one behind bars not me."

Sibyl stomped her feet not knowing how to respond to the clear blow the guard had struck and turned on her heels to face away. She would not be humiliated any longer by some lower-class filth!

It was quite a different situation for the Countess Alvore. The woman had not said a word since she was placed in her cell.

It was kind of eerie for those guarding her. They were uncomfortable with her silence.

She sat on the small rag, her back rigid against the wall and her cold eyes locked on the bars in front of her. Her features were neutral, but the guards could tell that the woman was not afraid, rather she seemed more like a predator waiting to pounce her prey.

The Countess was quick to analyse the situation. There was only one explanation as to why her and her daughter were arrested so suddenly and that whole explanation led to one person.


Someone had listened to that stain of a girl's pathetic pleas and now they faced trial. That meant Erica was still unfortunately alive.

The Countess was not in the least bit worried. Erica was weak and it was Erica's word against hers, a person of much higher status.

The girl had no evidence and only measly accusations that she could present forth in the trial. The Countess wanted to laugh.

It was no longer that fourteen hours before the first visitor appeared. The Countess had wanted to smile upon the sight of her son but something about his expression had prevented her from doing so.

"Walter?" She called.

Walter's eyes narrowed as he analysed the woman before him. In that moment he felt ashamed to be directly related to her, but a part of him did feel a slight sympathy for her. She was his mother after all.

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