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When droopy eyes began to open, the first thing that they took in was the dim morning light. The sun had yet to rise but the grey light was enough to see clearly in.

A heavy weight lay draped over the duvet like an extra unwanted blanket, a hot heat emitting from them as soft snores left their mouth.

Trying to sit up and push the idiot off would be no easy feat and he knew that very well but that would not stop him from trying. Louis weighed a ton.

He glanced around the room and noticed two more figures sleeping upright on the nearby lounge chair. It was Aleric and in his arms with her back to his chest was Erica. Her head was tucked under his chin as she slept soundly in his embrace.

Another figure slept soundly beside them, a blanket placed over her keeping her warm, Georgie.

The lump lying on top of him was supposed to be at his lover's side but here the idiot was acting like a human blanket. A very bony and heavy blanket. Would not recommend.

Again, he tried to push the Trencent heir off but unfortunately the movement caused a jolt of pain to shoot through him. He let out a groan of discomfort.

Eyes suddenly shot open as Louis awakened from his slumber, "Walty? Oh my goodness! You are finally awake!" Louis delightedly shrieked and tried to kiss his cheek.

Fortunately, Walter was ahead of him and was quick to block the loving affections of the male before him, "Get off me you fat moron." He grumbled.

"No never!" Louis reached out and wrapped his arms around Walter burying his face into the Commander's bandaged chest.

The commotion caused a stir amongst the other's as they began to wake.

"Thank goodness you are okay." Aleric yawned before stretching his one arm slightly. The other remained stationed around Erica's still sleeping form, "Louis would not stop worrying." Aleric chuckled.

"Is that why he decided to lie on top of me?" Walter rolled his eyes and tried for the third time to push him off, but Louis definitely had an iron like grip and was most certainly not prepared to let go.

"That would be my fault," Georgie smiled, "He was so frantic and jittery as he was terrified that your heart would stop at any second. I half-heartedly suggested that he just go and lie on you so that he can personally monitor your heart rate. He took it literally. I apologise."

Walter shot her an unimpressed glare, but it was not meant to be taken to heart. He knew she had meant well but Louis truly would be the death of him one day.

Still trying to push his clingy friend off, Walter glanced over to Erica. She had not woken even amongst all the noise. She looked very pale and was sweating slightly.

Upon noticing Walter's concerned gaze on his sister, King Aleric gave a gentle reassuring smile, "It's her fever. After you collapsed, the stress caused her to have a relapse and she fainted not long after. She was not strong enough to confront the Court to begin with and I think your death scare was the tipping point."

Walter's lips thinned, he was still very worried and concerned about his little sister, but he was relieved that no physical harm had come to her.

Aleric knew what he was thinking, his smile never wavered as he continued, "Do not worry, she will be okay. In fact, she should be waking up soon. She was adamant that she wanted to be at your side. Definitely your sister, she is as stubborn as you are."

Walter rolled his eyes at the King, but a smile danced his lips. He was happy that there was someone who loved Erica but of course being her older brother meant that Aleric needed to perform the acceptance ritual.

Walter gave a sly smile at the thought; Aleric needed to prove himself worthy and as far as Walter was concerned, no man was worthy enough for Erica even if he was the King.

"Whatever you are thinking, no." King Aleric narrowed his eyes at the wounded man but a playful glint lit up his face.

Walter let out a laugh but just as the sound came out, he winced in pain.

Louis was the first to react, "Careful or that old physician will have our heads if you reopen your wound after all those hours, he spent fixing you up."

Walter grumbled but nevertheless nodded his head in compliance.

"By the way, what is to come of the Countess?" Walter questioned curious to know the Royal Court's verdict.

King Aleric's eyes hardened at the mention of that vile woman. The mere thought of her sparked a pit of rage in him. The Countess Alvore had not only ruined the life of his dear Erica but nearly killed his best friend.

"Walter, I know she is your mother-" King Aleric was cut off.

"No. I no longer accept her." Walter met Aleric's eyes.

"Do not worry Walty, I will be your mommy from now on." Louis added in still clinging onto Walter with an innocent smile that Walter knew was definitely not innocent.

"I would rather die." He flicked Louis on the forehead causing him to let go to use his hands to try and sooth it.

"Meanie." Louis grumbled.

Walter was relieved to finally be free from Louis and his slobber. He was able to stretch himself out slightly before he winced in pain again.

"But in all seriousness, Aleric, tell me the truth." He turned to face the young King again.

King Aleric analysed Walter carefully. He was watching his expressions as he did not know how Walter would react.

The Commander's adamant gaze held no waver, it was strong and unmoving.

Taking a deep breath Aleric cautiously began, "She is to be executed at noon today."

Walter showed no emotion, no reaction to the statement and it was unnerving. Instead, he nodded and looked back to Erica.

"Where will it take place?" He words were calm as his eyes never left his sister.

"Walter, I do not think it would be wise for you to attend." Aleric cautioned.

"Tell me." He demeanour was still calm, but his voice was hard.

It did not feel right, and Aleric knew that he should not tell him, but Walter's adamant expression wavered the young King's resolve and he gave in. He just prayed that he would not regret it.

"The market square. She is to be hung."

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