𝓣𝓱𝓻𝓮𝓮; 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓣𝓲𝓶𝓮 𝓣𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓟𝓪𝓼𝓼𝓮𝓭

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   Nine years had passed since Naerys had been taken as Alicent Hightowers ward. The girl was now seven and ten years of age and plenty of woman. Her childish features had gone away and in their place was a woman with full pink lips, serious violet eyes, long wavy silver hair, and a body men would kill to touch.  In her years at Kings Landing, Naerys had blossomed into the perfect princess with impeccable embroidery skills, a talent for singing, and knowledge so vast. 

All thanks to the Queen Alicent herself, she had blessed Naerys with the same opportunities as Halaena, all befitting the position of a Princess. Naerys had only seen her mother, Rhaenyra a handful of times since becoming the queens ward, not all visits were pleasant but nonetheless Naerys was thankful to see her siblings as they have grown. 

Halaena wed Aegon seven years ago, when the gentle princess had finally had her blood. It was a beautiful wedding, but one not welcomed by the pair. Aegon had only gotten worse with his drinking, only visiting his wife when he was drunk and lonely. Though Halaena did not seem to mind as his visits had given her two beautiful twin children, the two-year-old twins. Jaehaerys and Jaehaera. 

Naerys had deemed that Halaena was a dreamer, her frequent mumbles of words that did not make sense, until they did, had confirmed this theory, but after the marriage to her brother, Halaena's madness only seemed to worsen, which Naerys did not paid attention to, still attending to her aunt with kindness. 

Her grandsire, the King Viserys' health continued to worsen, his body decaying, leaving him bed ridden most days. The Queen and her father, the hand, Otto Hightower took to ruling the Seven Kingdoms, replacing the Targaryen banners with the color green. Naerys did not pay this much attention as politics were never her interest. 

Instead, she spent most of her time in the skies with her dragon, Naraxes, who had grown to be almost as big as Vhagar, she credited this to begging Alicent to not cage her dragon, as he had free roaming privileges at Dragonstone, and locking him up in the keep's dragon pit would do more harm than good.  Alicent wasn't sure why she granted this request but seeing as the princess was typically well behaved and her dragon as well, she thought she could grant the girl the one thing she asked for. 

Rhaenyra had remarried shortly after Laenor's death, to her uncle, Daemon Targaryen, the news that shocked her, seemed to not shock anyone else. She soon heard stories of her mother's love affair with her new stepfather from her youth. Together the two had a set of twin boys, silver headed babes. Viserys II and Aegon III. 

As for Aemond, he grew taller, leaner, more silver headed. At the age of twenty and one, the man proved to keep true to the words Naerys spoke on the boat the day they returned to Kings Landing, he did work twice as hard as the next person, becoming the best at everything he did. He was often out flying Vhagar, and when he was not doing that, he was in the training yard with Sir Criston Cole. It was said that Aemond was an opponent to be feared, and that he was. Though he had not seen real war, Aemond excelled in fighting, his childhood spite often motivating him. He spent his evenings studying, reading, learning all the histories and languages he could manage. 

As Aemond and Naerys grew, they grew apart. Aemond was a silent boy as he grew, becoming spiteful and angry, Naerys did not know what she had done to anger the boy in their years together, but she quit trying to fix it after so many failed attempts.

In truth, Aemond had developed a crush on the Velaryon princess during their teenage years, knowing that he could never have her crushed his spirits and instead of choosing to long for something he could not have, he chose to push her away, only conversing in sarcasm and only when made. 

Though Rhaenyra and her daughter hadn't seen each other in many years, she did write to her daughter frequently, even sending suitors for her hand, of course seeing as Naerys was the Queens ward, nothing would be approved without her consent. 

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