𝓯𝓲𝓯𝓽𝓮𝓮𝓷; 𝓬𝓻𝓸𝔀𝓷 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓪 𝓴𝓲𝓷𝓰

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Aemond was glad to be relieved of his brother upon returning to the Red Keep. The large halls that once felt like home now feeling like that of a haunted house, fearsome monsters and anger waiting to pop out at every corner. Since returning his only goal had been to find his wife and beg her forgiveness but seeing as he was the only rational person in sight, he had been forced to maintain Aegon by his mother and grandsire.

Only when Aegon was hauled away to a flashy carriage was he allowed to find her, much to his dismay. When he hurriedly entered the shared chambers, he was alarmed to find it sitting so nicely, clean. Knowing his own lady wife very well and that'd she would have loved nothing more than to set the room ablaze after finding out her mother's throne had been stolen. Aemond's chest began to rattle as the worst thoughts ate at his mind, had she been forced to comply? Taken because she would not? Had she left him and returned to her family? All thoughts his brain shouted at him.

Aemond exited just as swiftly as he entered, only this time, rage burning in his heart as practically ran to the dragon pit where his brother would be crowned king of the Seven Kingdoms. King or not he would have his brother's head, his mother's heart, and his grandsire's hands if they had misplaced one singular hair on her head. 

His hand's shoved into the doors, forcefully slinging them open as his eye frantically searched the mass of gatherers for his wife. Anger trickled through his seams, his jaw clenching as he watched his mother whisper words to her father on the steps of the stage. Fury took over as his long legs urged him towards the pair, fury turning to hatred as his bicep was brutally grabbed, his body whipped around. His hand reached for the dagger sheathed at his hip before throwing it towards the greedy hand. 

Naerys' gasped in surprise, quickly jumping backwards as Aemond's dagger lunged forward, eager to kiss her skin. Aemond's hand dropped quickly, his mouth slightly agape as realization entered his face. Instantly his shoulder's dropped, releasing the tension he had been carrying and letting a loud exhale exit his mouth. 

"Issa jelmāzma" A breath of relief blowing into the air as his gaze softened as the girl. Naerys did not reply, tears welling up in her eyes as she lunged forward and wrapped her arms around his body, her grip incredibly tight. Aemond slowly reached his arms around her, returning the embrace but surprised she had willingly touched him considering it was his brother who had usurped a throne. 

He felt her sniffle against his body, his grip tightened, and he leaned into her whispering in her ear, "Gaomagon daor , daor kesīr, isse naejon hen zirȳ. Pōnta jāhor daor naejot ao traitor." (Do not cry, not here, not in front of them. They will not hesitate to name you traitor.) Naerys inhaled deeply, stepping away from him as she collected herself.

"They will call me traitor no matter who forces me to bend my knee." She replied coldly, "You aided in usurping my mother's throne." Naerys accused causing Aemond to narrow his eyes, "I did not."

"You left me locked in our own chambers to find your drunken brother." Her voice was loud, threatening almost, "My brother was missing, and he needed to be found. Aegon is still my brother even if you name him usurper." Aemond hissed at her

"And she is still my mother even if you think her callous towards me." Naerys snapped back slightly reaching out and shoving Aemond away from her only she was too slow, Aemond quickly reacted by grabbing her arms and flipping her frame around, pinning her arms to her side as he held her.

"You will stop, and you will act like the perfect Lady wife despite your anger," He whispered in her ear, his hands roughly grabbing her wrists. Naerys tried to turn around and spit in his face, but this position would not let her, "You will do this because I am only one man, and I cannot defend you from every lord eager to put your head on a spike and send it to your mother for your insolence." He lips gently brushed against her ear causing her to shudder from the hot breath. Naerys lifted her head so she could look at Aemond, her eyes straining and full of fire but relunctantly nodded. Her husband's grip lessened as he allowed her to step away from him. 

Opposition; Aemond TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now