BLEH [1]

614 8 51

A/N: Don't think I'm going to do POVs anymore

Book added Taco, Dora, Ice Cube, Saw, Gaty, Lollipop and TearDrop to BLEH

Lollipop: Should've named this the 'Lesbian Team' 

Dora: :/ 

Book: Wait. Now we'll know what Dora says 

Dora: Yea 

Taco: Cool 

Dora changed Lollipop's name to Lesbian Candyball

TearDrop changed Book's name to Dumbass

Dumbass: What? Why'd you do that? 

TearDrop: You said that you could understand Dora now but what about ME? 

Dumbass: Sorry

Taco changed Dumbass's name to Bookworm

Saw: Lets make nicknames to each other!

Gaty: Good idea!

Saw changed Gaty's name to Zigzag Fence

Zigzag Fence: lol

Zigzag Fence changed Saw's name to Chainsaw

Chainsaw: nice nickname

Bookworm changed Taco's name to Mexican Food

TearDrop changed Dora's name to Children's TV Show Ripoff

Bookworm changed Children's TV Show Ripoff's name to Spanish

Spanish: Really?

Bookworm: I couldn't think of anything else

Spanish changed TearDrop's name to Bitch

Mexican Food changed Bitch's name to Murderous Water

Zigzag Fence changed Ice Cube's name to Vengeful Ice

Bookworm: Dang, Dora, I never knew you were mean

Spanish: Well I am

Spanish: Deal with it

Bookworm: What else can you tell about us

Spanish: Well, I hate David. I've tried to kill him but it never works

Vengeful Ice: I'll help you.

Spanish: Sure, lets talk in a private chat

Lesbian Candyball: wait. 

Spanish: ?

Lesbian Candyball: I have a question

Vengeful Ice: What?

Lesbian Candyball: Wait nvm I just realized it won't work

Vengeful Ice: uh ok

Vengeful Ice and Spanish went idle

Lesbian Candyball: I'm bored. And horny. Anyone wanna fuck?

Zigzag Fence: I'm on a different show. But thanks for the idea. Saw, wanna fuck?

Chainsaw: I uh-

Chainsaw: suure

Chainsaw and Zigzag Fence went offline

Lesbian Candyball: Aight. What about you, Book?

Bookworm: I'm also in a different show

Bookworm went offline

Lesbian Candyball: Alright that leaves TD and Taco

Murderous Water went offline

Lesbian Candyball: Taco?

Mexican Food: Fuck off

Lesbian Candyball: Nah I would rather fuck you

Mexican Food: stfu

Lesbian Candyball: Pleeeaaase? I promise I won't ask you for a month or so!

Mexican Food: uuuuugh fiiiine

Lesbian Candyball: yay :)

Lesbian Candyball and Mexican Food went offline


A/N: Yea so maybe a smut will be coming soon of "TacoPop" when its really just Lollipop being horny and Taco agreeing so Lolli can shut up for a month.

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