The Losers [1]

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A/N: Ahahahahaha Loser hates Winner and Winner hates Loser here. Deal with it. Also currently all of these take place in TPOT 3 (not sure why I didn't mention this earlier)

Loser added Cake, Clock, Firey, Coiny, Pin, Needle and Eggy to The Losers

Needle: OMG! Loser added me to his group chat!

Clock: Speaking of adding, can I add someone?

Loser: Sure!

Clock added Winner to the group chat

Winner: ?

Clock: Hi Winner!

Winner left the group chat

Eggy: Dang they hate you, don't they?

Clock: >:(

Clock added Winner to the group chat

Clock: Why did you leave? Was it because of me?

Winner: We aren't friends anymore

Clock: What!?

Winner: And I'm not talking to only you on this one

Pin: What do you mean, Winner? 

Winner: ...

Winner: You wouldn't want to know

Winner left the group chat

Eggy changed Clock's name to Waste Of Time

Waste Of Time: Hey!

Cake added Taggy to the group chat

Taggy: Hiii Cake! :D

Cake: Hi Taggy! Wait- whoops

Taggy: ?

Cake: I was supposed to ask Loser first

Taggy: Loser is in the group chat!? :0

Loser: Yep!

Taggy: :D

Loser: :)

Loser: Also its fine, Cake

Cake: phEw-

Firey: Wait, why isn't Leafy here?

Coiny: I thought you hated her?

Firey: Things have changed since we last saw each other. Like how uh Woody and Blocky are now pranking buddies

Needle: Blocky and Woody? Friends? Thats weird

Firey: Flower won

Clock: Loser, is this true?

Loser: Yep. I'm happy for them

Firey added Leafy to the group chat

Leafy: Hi Firey!

Leafy: Hi Loser!

Leafy: Hi everyone!

Firey: Hi Leafy

Loser: Hello, Leafy

Taggy: Hi uh Leafy :)

Leafy: Hiya uh Taggy!

Leafy: hold on.

Leafy went offline

Pin: ?

Leafy went online

Leafy: Sorry. Blocky just killed Balloony and I don't think anyone saw so I went to go recover him

Coiny: Speaking of recovery Two can't recover

Firey: Thats pretty trashy

Leafy: Don't be mean!

Loser: How do they recover?

Eggy: Recovery Center

Leafy: How did they get one?

Clock: I assume they ordered it

Cake: Hey Taggy, Naily want to uuh "hang out"

Needle: what

Cake: uuuh

Taggy: Yea I'd like to "hang out" ;)

Needle: why are you putting it in quote things

Taggy: Well you see... Loser, can I swear in this chat? :v

Loser: I don't mind if you do

Taggy: Great! :D

Cake: Taggy... don't tell them

Taggy: Too bad! >:D

Cake: ugh

Taggy: So uh by "hang out" we mean fucking :P

Eggy: I- Uh- huh-

Coiny changed Cake's name to Dessert likes Metal and Paper

Pin: Thats a long name

Coiny: Hmm your right

Coiny changed Cake's name to Poly Dessert

Coiny: Hows that?

Pin: good

Pin: I'll do Taggy

Pin changed Taggy's name to Poly Paper

Pin: Sorry for copying you

Coiny: its fine

Firey: Can someone tell Team Ice Cube about this?

Clock: Their on different teams now tho-

Eggy: shut up Clock

Clock: :(

Clock went offline

Poly Paper and Poly Dessert went offline

Coiny: Can ya'll tell Gelatin?

Leafy: um...

Coiny: It'll be a nice thing to do

Leafy: ok...

Leafy, Loser and Firey went offline

Eggy: I'm bored. Cya

Eggy went offline

Coiny, Pin and Needle went offline


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