interlude // valerie's text messages

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Kai: is everything okay?

Valerie: no

Valerie: i mean, on a fundamental is-everyone-alive-and-thriving level, yes

Valerie: but i didn't know you were going to the footy this weekend

Kai: next time i'll be certain to issue a press release?

Valerie: and i don't know if you hate peas

Kai: i spend my nights plotting their demise. if you ever can't reach me, assume i'm walking through a pea farm, stabbing them with a skewer

Valerie: that was the lamest joke i've ever heard

Kai: i don't take it back

Valerie: will you come meet me tomorrow?

Kai: of course. where?

Valerie: that café near my house is nice? or i could come to you?

Kai: nah, i'll meet you there

Valerie: if you want to text me when you arrive, i'm happy to run out and park the car for you

Kai: that joke is going to run out of mileage

Valerie: your pea joke ran out of mileage before it even started

Kai: ha. ha.

Kai: hey, LV?

Valerie: yeah?

Kai: i'm looking forward to seeing you tomorrow

Valerie: me too

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