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Hey guys!! Some of you had some great questions and I love to talk about this book. I hope you enjoy x

Are Isabelle and Will getting a book?

I would hate to reveal all, but if you look at the Other Works section of Best Served Fake, you might see that Isabelle is the lead character of my next work Living With Boys, which will be out July 4th. All I will say on the matter is that Isabelle finds herself in dire straits financially, and moves in with Jameson Miller, Sebastian Torres, Jonah Aristone and Will Kennedy. And that it is set a few years after the events of this book, and will therefore be mature in its rating.

How did you become a Wattpad Creator?

Wattpad contacted me directly to offer me a spot as one of their Creators, and it was one of the most incredible moments of writing on this website. To have my work recognised by the platform itself has been such a privilege, and I am so excited to hopefully work with Wattpad more in the future.

How old are you?

At the time of writing, I'm 20 years old. I started writing this story when I was a little baby 18-year-old, and I came up with the concept when I was 16; well, back then, the book was actually called Half-Full, featured no fake-dating and the lead character was called Madeleine; our Madi is a tribute to her. It's kind of crazy; I wrote Tightrope when I was 16, so I can't wait to get my teeth back into that and rewrite it. One day, I might feel the same about this story; I already go back to the earlier chapters and want to change everything!

Out of all the characters in your books which is personally is closest to yours??

Oooo, okay. Of the characters you've met, the closest would probably be a way less cool version of Isabelle. I would say I'm pretty outgoing, love a sexy romance book, love a good beverage or two, and would also die for Will Kennedy. She's definitely more cool and fun than me, and way braver, and also has some parental trauma, but she's definitely the most like me. I actually have an upcoming book with a character who is maybe more like me; Aurora Anderson, who you briefly met in this book, will eventually get her own book called Fuck the Friendzone, and I think she is quite like me if I didn't have shit hand-eye coordination. Valerie would be a close second. I like to have my lead characters share some of my traits because I live in their heads; Lena is the exception, because that girl is nothing like me. She is crazy. And crazy stupid.

Where is this book set?

Best Served Fake is set mostly around the inner-city suburbs of Melbourne, Australia! The characters go to school in a suburb called Toorak (the school is completely fictional, but if there was a school in Toorak, it would be exclusively for the rich). In Tightrope, that's where Lena lives, whereas she attends school and spends time with her friends a little bit further out. For all Melbournians, I am a Frankston line girlie and I will continue to write stories about people who live on the Frankston line.

Your vocabulary is god tier immaculate. Do you mind sharing how you developed that?

First of all, thank you so much that's so sweet. Receiving all of your lovely comments always makes my day.

But in terms of actual advice, I feel like it is all going to sound wanky, so bear with me. The most important thing to developing a vocabulary is to voraciously consume words. Obvious, I know, but so, so true. I read a shit tonne. I read 207 books last year (goodreads was quaking), and some of them were even super pretentious classics. The more you read, and the more widely, the more chance you have of being exposed to words that become a go-to when you're writing your own. I know this is not achievable for some people with commitments and I so get that! Reading is a time-consuming activity. But the best (and maybe only) way to develop a good vocabulary is to read a lot, and have it all be from a wide variety of genres.

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