~19: Where She Goes for a Drive~

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Where She Goes for a Drive


Archer's arm wrapped around my waist protectively as he led me outside the café towards where he'd parked his car.

"Fallon Chambers!" An unfamiliar male voice suddenly called out making both of us stop in our tracks.

I could feel the panic start to bubble in my chest.

I spotted a man in a checkered button-down heading towards us, another man carrying a video camera close behind him.

A reporter.

A shudder went through me and I felt as if the blood had turned to ice in my veins.


Not again.


They'd just about reached us when Archer suddenly came to stand in front of me. His large frame completely shielded me from view. His whole body was rigid, his shoulders tense.

"Take another step closer and it will be your last." He growled. I'd never heard him talk like that. His voice was so terrifying that I felt goosebumps break out over my arms.

The other two men must have gotten the threat behind it too because after a brief pause, they both backed away.

After he made sure they had left we finally got into his car.

"Where are we going?" I asked as I gazed out of the passenger-side window.

Archer checked the rearview mirror before starting the car.

"You'll know when we get there." He said simply.

"I'm sorry your date got ruined because of me." I swallowed, and guilt welled up inside me. "You didn't have to come get me, you know?"

For a moment he didn't answer.

"I know." He said finally, his voice hoarse, "but I wanted to." He tilted his head to look at me. His jaw was clenched and his hands were gripping the steering wheel so tightly that his knuckles turned white.

My breath hitched.

Something warm and rich settled in my chest and it spread till I could feel it to the tips of my toes.


I'd assumed that he would drive me to my apartment but instead, he'd driven me to a strange secluded part of town. It was dark and there wasn't another soul in sight.

"What is this place?" I finally whispered.

We were still seated in Archer's car which was parked outside what looked like a huge abandoned building of some sort.

"It's supposed to be an airport." He responded, "They had to stop construction mid-way because of some legal issues."

"Um okay, why did you bring me here exactly?" I gave him a questioning look.

But instead of answering me he just drove the car all the way around the building till we'd reached a large open strip of concrete. I assumed that it was supposed to be the runway.

His lips twisted into a sly smirk.

"You're about to find out."

Suddenly, he leaned forward. My heart stuttered. He was so close that his hair tickled my face. My heartbeat stuttered.

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