~40: Where She Gets an Offer~

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Where She Gets an Offer


It was well past midnight, and we were on the cusp of drifting off to sleep when Archer's phone rang. Tension rippled through his entire frame as he glanced at the caller ID and declined the call.

"You okay?" I whispered, lifting my head from the pillow to meet his gaze.

"I'm okay," he murmured. "It's just my father. One of his old schoolmates, the Dean of California State, informed him that I declined the scholarship they offered and he hasn't stopped calling me since."

"You declined California State's offer?" I sat up in shock. "But you haven't heard back from the University of Florida yet!" Panic gripped my heart.

Archer shifted to face me. For a moment he just stared at me and didn't say anything. Then his fingers reached forward and gently tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear. He tipped my chin up so our eyes finally met.

"We can't stay here, Fallon," he told me gently. "This place is like quicksand, pulling us down. If we linger, we'll be submerged so deep we won't come up for air."

In the moonlit room, he continued, "I spoke to Seth; he has a friend with an automobile service garage in Florida, and he's willing to hire me."

"Maybe you should talk to your parents before deciding?" I suggested.

He scoffed, "Because they've always supported my dreams?" Taking my hand, he squeezed gently. "I've made up my mind, Fallon." He said with determination. "We leave the day after graduation."

"Graduation is just a week away, Archer," I swallowed. "Do you really believe that leaving without talking to your parents won't lead to regrets?" Bringing his hand to my lips, I added, "Whatever decision you make, I will fully support you. But cutting off your parents completely—will it truly make you happy?"

He remained silent, appearing lost, and my heart ached for him.

I managed a reassuring smile. "You should get some sleep. Tomorrow is your final tournament."

As he nodded and settled back down, it took a long while for us to find sleep.

Archer had departed early for the tournament, leaving for practice laps with his teammates. Just as I prepared to leave, an unfamiliar number illuminated my phone screen, prompting me to answer.



Worry gripped me as the Hastings's magnificent Estate mansion loomed over me. I rang the doorbell and shifted my weight from side to side. The door opened and before I could say a word somber faced butler gestured for me to follow him.

He led me to what seemed to be Mr. Hastings's study.

The room exuded wealth, with mahogany furniture, and leather-bound books. Mr. Hastings sat behind his imposing desk, a cigar clutched in one hand. He gestured for me to sit.

"Thank you for coming, Miss Chambers. I know my call must have come as a surprise to you," he began, his gaze cold and unwavering. "I wanted to talk to you regarding a very important matter."

My hands clutched protectively at my sides. I could feel alarm bells start to go off in my head.

"And what matters is that...Sir?" I asked curtly.

He took a long drag from his cigar. For a moment he didn't respond and I thought he hadn't heard me, but then-

"I'm aware that you applied for the Fashion program at St. John's University."

Shock flickered across my face.

How did he know about that?

I hadn't told anyone about that.

He continued to speak, "It's nice to know that you have dreams and ambitions, Miss Chambers." His cold, calculating eyes assessed me.

"I can use them against you."

He didn't say the words but I heard him.

I stayed completely silent.

"I have connections," He continued. "Connections that could ensure you get accepted into the program, despite the rejection you faced." His lips twisted up at the corners. "Your tuition fee will also be paid, of course, and so will any other additional expenses you might require."

He paused.

"There's just one catch."

Discomfort settled over me as Mr. Hastings leaned forward. "In exchange," he added, "I need you to persuade Archer to join Fordham University's Law Program." He shook his head, "It wasn't easy to convince them to accept him but since I'm an Alumni and with a generous donation they have finally agreed to accept Archer in their fall semester. You don't need to worry about being apart. St. John's is just a fifteen-minute drive away from Fordham. I am even willing to pay for an apartment nearby for the two of you."

"Now, Miss Chambers, here's where you come in." His eyes flashed.

I could feel the blood pounding in my ears. He kept speaking,

"Tell Archer that you got accepted to St. John's and that you want to go there. My son would be willing to follow you anywhere, including New York. My colleague will contact him with the offer once you both are in New York." 

His gaze hardened. "You just need to get Archer to accept that offer."

"Both your futures depend on it."

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