15. devils advocade bc the twins are devils

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[word count: 1554] guess who's back? Slim shady. i ew why do i yk. Anywayss.7.29k READS?! HOLY CRAPPPPP. anyways.
Pls fr listen to Devils Advocate by the Neighbourhood its so fucking good ugh😫. anyways. uh hope this is good. Also listen/read all the young dudes cuz bro I feel like my english just got better by listening to it on Spotify🤩 Anyways i'm rambling so UH BYE. Also its 4 a.m so uhhh, hopefully it dosen't have THAT many typos.


"Why do we not have disturbing conversations anymore?" You asked Suna and glanceed at him as you swong back and forth on the swing your were sitting on.

It was the beggining of summer vacations and the Miya twins had been forcing you to hang out at a play ground. Which you found was pretty weird but you went anyways. And of course they both were late as well. Not to anyone's suprise.

"What? You liked them?" Suna asked amused while he watched you swing with mild interest. You noded your head and gave him a smile.

The leaves of the tree towering over you two, casted interesting shadows onto his face and you felt yourself being captured by the scene. He rolled his eyes. "They gave me headaches." He added and looked down at his phone again. You frowned slightly at him. He had been oddly distant again. You couldn't help but wonder if you had done something wrong.

"Um, fuck you I guess." You grumbled and kept looking at him. You wanted to seem annoyed but you just couldn't help but watch the interesting shadows dancing over his face. Suna on the other hand didn't even seem to appreciate. nor even notice your staring. Or your precence in general during that strangely long moment. Too engaged in whatever he was looking at on his phone. And telling by his bored expression, he really didn't want to be there either. Though, you couldn't have been more wrong.

While it seemed to you, that he wasn't intrested in you at all. Rintarou couldn't take his mind of you. While it looked like he was mindlessly scrolling through his phone, not wanting to converse with you at all, he actually wasn't able to focuss on his instagram feed. His mind was racing, which wasn't unusual for him. But it felt odd for some reason. Like all his senses where drawn to you, while his mind told him it was weird. Which, well if you would've known it in exactly that moment, probably was. But you didn't know. You didn't even consider that this guy's feeling capacity was greater than that of a dead. Which, sounds a lot meaner than it actually was. Because, that wasn't true. You've seen a lot of his emotions. Though subtle. You started to read the subtle shifts in his expression or bodylangage in general pretty good.

He had to admit that it creeped him out a bit. Even drove him away again. It kind of scared him that you were able to read him so well only in a spawn of a few months. Not that he didn't laugh or anything. He was amused by lot's of stuff, he actually quiet enjoyes hanging out with people he cares for. But you see past him. Or at least that's what it felt like to him whenever he looked into your eyes for a bit too long. He was most likely overthinking it. At least that's what he told himself.


Minutes of awkward silence followed and still no sign of the twins.
Meanwhile you had your attention on a group of small children playing a game of tag on the patchy lawn right in front of you two.

"You've been oddly quiet." You broke the silence after a while, not bearing this unbearable silence between you two. You glanced at him again.

The shadows casted over his face still made him look even more captive. You found it weird, you've never really noticed his looks before. You knew he was handsome but you never cared about.

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