21. rainy stars and mooning over sakusa

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[word count: 1058] AHHH wtf 19.1 k??? dmn thanks u allll. So this is a rather short chapter and ujhh the story will probably soon come to an end bc IK THE END BUT IDK WHAT TO PIT INBETWEEN ANYMOREEE (i've known the ending since the begging at least) Anywaysss have fun🤩


So, maybe you should've planned it out better. Or, at least checked the weather app. But you didn't. And neither did Rintarou. So you both had ended up frozen and soaked and were freezing your asses off. You were sitting in your living room, cuddled intp blankets and your mother was brewing some tea.

"Told you to go read the weather app." Rintarou grinned despite obviously freezing. You rolled your eyes.

"No you didn't." You remarked and he sighed over dramatically. "If I get sick and cant participate in the Spring High Preliminary, I am blaming you." He stated pointedly before taking the cup of tea your mother offers him and takes a sip.

"That's in like... three months." You said with a roll of your eyes as you watched him scrunching up his face as he burned his tongue. You laughed at him shamelessly.

"Y/n be nice to him." Your mother scolded you. Though she was clearly amused. Then she hands you your own cup of tea and pats your head parciakky affectionatelyand parcially to annoy you.

"Thanks, mom." You thanked her and set down your cup so it could cool down a little.

"I'm still blaming you." Rintarou then said pointedly with a shrug and snuggled a little closer to you under the shared blanket.

"So did you see any starts tonight?" Your mom asked after a moment of comfortable silence. You both nodded with satisfaction, dwspite the disaster.

"Yeah. It was great." You answered and then pulled out your phone to show her the crappy star pictures you had made.

It had been a cloudless and pretty warm night as you two left to stargaze. Until it started to piss dogs and cats.

You had chosen a perfect spot, way too romantic compared to yozr usual dates, if you could call them that.

The spot you had picked was out of the city. Or as outside as it could get because Hyōgo was huge and you had to completely leave the city to be able to see the stars clearly.

But it had been good enough for both of you. Cuddled up in your jackets and blankets and each other of course. But it didn't take long for the first few droplets of rain to fall. And it took even less time for it to pour down like there was no tomorrow.

"Another time." You grumbled annoyed and reached out to brush a few strands of hair sticking to Rintarou's forhead out of his face.


"God, Suna you're clingy." Atsumu says as he sees how Rintarou's clinging at you. Arms wrapped around your waist and head propped on your shoulder while you were chatting with the twins. Rintarou himself wasn't engaging im the conversation. He was barely conscious right now. You found it cute, endearing somehow. So you just led out a chuckle.

"Yeah, don't be so clingy, Riiin." You teased him as well. He kept clinging to you. The grip around your waist tightened even more and his fingers gently brushed your stomach. "M'not." He denied and brushed a kiss to your neck.

"Suure you're not." You continued to try to rile him up but he was simply too tired for it. "Shut up, I'm trynna nap." He mumbled and his eyes shut close again.

"What did y'all do last night?" Atsumu then chimes in. Ruining the moment as usual. A grin spreads across the blonde twin's face. And Osamu let's put a tired sigh. Though he did seem amused by his brother's comment.

"You're just jealouse, Sakusa's not paying attention to you." Osamu nudged Atsumu slightly, an overexagarrated pout now forming on his face. "Shut yer trap, Samu." He whined and pushed his brother as well. Which got them into a small fight of shoving each other back and forth.

"Children." Rintarou commented against your neck. He poked your sgomach gently. Silently asking if you could take pictures of their small fight and you let out a sigh. "It's not interesting." You told him as you watched the twins with amusment. Rintarou let out a sound of protest but still didn't want to pull back either.

"How does that work, ye met him twice in some camp..?" You asked, the twins turned around immediately as you said that. Atsumu genuinely looked like he was pondering your question before he shrugs and turns back to Osamu. "See? I don't like Sakusa." Atsumu said with a a satisfied smile and stuck his tongue out at Osamu.

Osamu narrowed his eyes at Atsumu's antics, then glanced at you with a smirk. "Well, you may have met twice, but you mooning iver him is undeniable," he said, subtly teasing his brother. Atsumu rolled his eyes and clicked his tongue kn annoyance.

Rintarou, still attached to you, let out a soft chuckle. "Mooning over, huh? Sounds like a load of crap." He shifted, now resting his chin on your shoulder, his gaze fixed on the ongoing twin drama.

You chuckled, feeling the warmth of Rintarou's presence. "Sometimes it just clicks." You joked and poked Rintatou'd hand.

The twins, momentarily distracted from their bickering, exchanged a look. "Yeah, yeah, enough of that mushy stuff," Atsumu dismissed with a wave of his hand. "Clicked? It took you what... six months?"

"Almost." Rintarou muttered and pulled away sightly to look at the twins. Poking his tongue out for unknown reason.

"Most expressionate I've ever seen Sunarin." Osamu commented and drank the last few sips of his drink.

Rintarou didn't react to Osamu's comment and nuzzled back into your neck, his hold on you softening. "I'm still not letting go," he declared, his sleepy voice sending a shiver down your spine.

"Might have to, breaks almost over." You said and Rintarou had to pull away. "Stupid time." He grumbled and reached out to craddle your cheek gently. A soft but faint smile tugging on his lips.

"Why're you so clingy anyways?" You asked and he just shrugged before placing a gentle kiss to your lips. "Just tired." He responds and then turned around to get to his class. You smiled and turned around as well.


"So... you didn't do it yet?" Atsumu asked Rintarou as he slipped past him and Rintarou gave him a death glare.

"Shut the fuck up, Atsumu." He grumbled and flicked him off before entering his classroom.

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