Chapter 6 : The Love That Hoped

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//कभी तुम्हें याद मेरी आए, पलकों से ज़ुल्फ हटा लेना
साफ़ दिखूंगा मैं तुमको वहीं, जो ना दिखूं तो बता देना//

5th January 2018, Delhi
9 PM

Dear Diary,

So much happened in the last few days!

Kabir and I went for a short trip to Goa to celebrate Kabir's success and also to welcome the new year.

Goa is such a beauty!

Stepping onto the sandy shores of Goa, a rush of excitement coursed through me.
After all, it was my first time visiting the place.

Every moment there felt like a dream. The golden sand, the rhythmic waves, and the tropical breeze - it's like paradise. But amidst all this beauty, there was a mixture of emotions swirling within me. Being able to go there with Kabir holds a blend of emotions I can't even put into words.

We discovered the charming beaches, wandered hand in hand through the vibrant markets, took romantic walks, indulged in the local cuisine, danced the night away at clubs, and laughed as we attempted water sports.

He was his usual adventurous self, pushing me out of my comfort zone, just as he always has. There were times when I got scared, but, for him, nothing was scary, everything was fun.

My brave Kabir!

If someone were to ask me to describe those few days, I wouldn't have any words.

My college degree can go into dumps, but I literally can't describe those days.

I could just say, bliss.

Bliss, not because I went to a city that was on my bucket list for years, but bliss because of the man who was there with me.

The whole trip was mesmerizing, but the best thing that happened was a candlelight dinner Kabir planned for me.

He called it our first fancy date!

Soft candlelights flickered through, casting their dancing shadows on the sand, and leading us to an elegantly set table. A gasp of amazement left my lips, my eyes twinkled with wonder, and happiness coursed through my veins.

I was speechless!

He grinned at my reaction and said, "I thought both of us deserve a special evening."

The setting was too beautiful with fragrant roses and glistening fairy lights adorning a table.

Romantic, much!

Honestly speaking, I never expected Kabir to do something like this!

He held my hand, leading me to the table, his warm hands holding my cold ones, passing warmth from my hands to my heart.

He pulled a chair for me, just like the gentleman he is, and soon settled himself.

The tantalizing aroma of delectable cuisine enveloped us, an irresistible invitation that compelled me to eagerly lift the lids. To my delight, a sumptuous spread of all my cherished favorites lay before me, a delightful surprise that painted an instant smile across my face.

"Are you trying to impress me, Mr. Sethi?", I asked.

He laughed and replied, "Was I successful?"

I grinned. "You don't need to try, I am already very much impressed by you."

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